Set up SysAid for Teams (Microsoft Teams)
    • 12 Feb 2024
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    Set up SysAid for Teams (Microsoft Teams)

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    Article summary

    SysAid for Teams allows users to submit SysAid tickets from within Teams and to send messages and notifications from a SysAid ticket to groups and individuals in Microsoft Teams. This allows for easier collaboration within organizations that use Microsoft Teams for internal communication.


    - SysAid for Teams is only available for SysAid Cloud customers and is currently for single-tenant use only
    - “New Teams” is not yet supported for SysAid for Teams; SysAid Cloud can currently use 'Classic Teams'


    You can contact your account manager to provision a ten-day trial license or to purchase an annual license.


    Before setting up SysAid for Teams, please ensure that you have Microsoft Teams up and running and that the Azure integration is set up and enabled for your SysAid account.


    If you have users that were imported via LDAP integration, to avoid duplicate users make sure that:

    • The users have the same email addresses in the Azure and LDAP repositories
    • The Sync user based on email address check box is selected in the Azure integration settings
    You can opt to continue using LDAP as your primary user depository integration, by selecting the option to set up Azure as your secondary user depository in SysAid. This feature is not yet available for all accounts. If you want to enable this feature, contact your SysAid Customer Care manager.

    Set up SysAid for Teams

    1. Get SysAid for Teams from the SysAid Marketplace
    2. Click IntegrationsfilesGreenCog10.jpg in the Microsoft Teams icon on the main My Apps page.
    3. Enter the tenant name that is displayed in your Azure account in the Tenant Name field.

    Register the application in Azure

    1. In the Azure dashboard, click App registrations.
    2. Click View All applications.
    3. Click New registration.
    4. Enter a name for the application (for example "SysAid Microsoft Teams") in the Name field, .
    5. Click Register.

    Get the Client ID

    1. Hover over the Application (client) ID field and click biExtractSettingsfilesCopyButton.png.
    2. Back in SysAid, paste the copied text into the Client ID field.

    Get the Tenant ID

    1. Hover over the Directory (Tenant) ID field and click biExtractSettingsfilesCopyButton1.png.
    2. Back in SysAid, paste the copied text into the Tenant ID field.

    Get the Secret Key

    1. Click Certificates & secrets in the left-menu. 
    2. Click New client secret.
    3. Add a description (e.g. "SysAid Microsoft Teams").
    4. Select 24 Months In the Expires area, 
    5. Click Add.

    In the entry you just created, click biExtractSettingsfilesCopyButton2.pngnext to the Value column.


    1. Back in SysAid, paste the copied text into the Secret Key field.

    Add redirect URI

    1. Click Add Platform.
    2. Click Web.
    3. In the Redirect URIs field, click Add a Redirect URI.
    1. In the Web area, click Add URI.
    2. Enter "https://<SYSAID URL>/addonJspWrapper.jsp?a=msTeams&p=msTeamsGenerateToken.jsp" (make sure you add your specific SysAid URL).
    3. Click Configure.

    Get the Callback URL

    1. In the MSTeams Callback URL field, enter "https://<SYSAID URL>/addonJspWrapper.jsp?a=msTeams&p=msTeamsGenerateToken.jsp" (make sure you add your specific SysAid URL).
    2. In SysAid, enter the callback URL in the Callback URL field.

    Configure API Permissions

    1. In Azure, navigate to select API permissions.
    2. Click Add a permission.
    3. Click Select an API > Microsoft graph .
    4. Click Delegated.
    5. Select the following permissions:
      • ChannelMessage.Send
      • Channel.ReadBasic.All
      • Chat.Create
      • ChatMessage.Send
      • Presence.Read.All
      • Team.ReadBasic.All
      • User.ReadBasic.All
        You should have 7 permissions selected.
    6. Click Grant admin consent for <Domain> and then click Yes.
    7. In Azure, create a dedicated admin user for this integration. This is the displayed name for the sender of all automatic notifications from SysAid. Ensure that the user has sufficient permissions (at least Application Administrator level permissions) in the Azure portal to grant consent, so that you will be able to successfully generate a token later in this process.

      We recommend using the name of your help desk and using your help desk's logo as it's avatar.

      For example, if your help desk is named SysAid, you can use one of these logos as the user's avatar in Microsoft Teams:

    8. Back in SysAid, add the email for the user you just created to the Sender Email field.
    9. From the Template drop-down list, select which SysAid template will be the default for tickets that are opened by Microsoft Teams.
    10. Click Save Changes.
    11. Click Test Connection to ensure that everything has been configured correctly.
    12. Click the slider to activate AI Service Desk.
    13. Click Save Changes.

      Populate the Token field

    1. Within the same browser that you are running SysAid in, login to Azure with the user you just created.
    2. Click Generate Token.
    3. A new browser tab opens. When a message appears indicating that the token was generated successfully, refresh the Microsoft Teams page in SysAid to populate the field.
    4. Click Save Changes.

    SysAid Bot in Microsoft Teams

    SysAid offers its own bot in Microsoft Teams that allows you to create SysAid tickets from Microsoft Teams. You can follow Microsoft's instructions for pinning this bot for your users in Teams so they won't need to set it up themselves. 

    Once the bot is pinned, the users will receive a welcome message from the SysAid bot in their Teams account, inviting them to use the bot to contact their IT departments. We recommend informing your users about the bot before pinning it, to ensure that they understand the welcome message.


    Only the first tenant configured on the Azure AD integration can access the bot.

    Set up the SysAid bot

    1. In Microsoft Teams, click Apps.
    2. Search for "SysAid."
    3. Select SysAid.
    4. Click Add.

    Microsoft Teams adds the SysAid bot to the Chat channels.

    Whitelabel the SysAid Bot
    Admins can now customize the SysAid bot on Microsoft Teams, to fit their own company culture and branding (including visual assets and voice & tone).
    There is now the option to configure the following properties from the Microsoft Teams store:
    Short Name
    Short Description
    Full Description
    App Icon
    Icon Outline Color
    Accent Color

    End users will get the updates after logging back in to MS Teams

    Follow Microsoft's Instructions to customize the bot

    Upgrade the SysAid Bot

    As SysAid is continuously adding new capabilities to the SysAid Bot, we recommend periodically upgrading your SysAid Bot to the latest version. Ensure that your end users upgrade the SysAid Bot in their individual Microsoft Team accounts so they can access the latest capabilities.

    To upgrade the SysAid bot:

    1. In Microsoft Teams, click Apps.
    2. Search for "SysAid."
    3. Select SysAid.
      If there is a more current version available, the button will say 'Upgrade' instead of 'Open'.
    4. Click Upgrade.

    Configure survey notifications

    The SysAdmin can configure a survey notification to be sent to the end user upon ticket closure. 

    This creates an opportunity to improve survey response rates, which can lead to a clearer demonstration of the improved employee experience. 

    To configure the survey:

    1. In General Settings, click on "Request User".
    2. Verify the 'Add a link to survey' is checked.


    1. Go to Customize > Notifications.
    2. Click to edit notification #1005 (this notification is sent when a ticket is closed). 

    Insert or remove a survey

    1. Click the "Insert Survey" button. 
    2. From the dropdown list, select the survey to be sent via MS Teams upon ticket closure. 
    3. To remove the survey, click "Remove Survey"
    If the "Add a link to survey" checkbox is checked, but no survey was added to the notification template, the notification will be sent with no survey.

    This feature is also enabled for Teams custom notification #1002 (notifies when a ticket has been created).

    Although this is not the primary use-case of the survey, the SysAdmin can utilize it to learn more about the users' experience of the ticket submission flow.

    Accounts with previous configuration of MS Teams custom notifications #1005 and #1002 need to enable the survey capability by clicking "Reset to default" in "Version History"

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