Agent Deployment Plan
    • 06 Sep 2023
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    Agent Deployment Plan

    • PDF

    Article summary

    The Agent Deployment Plan list displays all of your plans for scheduled agent deployments.


    For general instructions for using list pages in SysAid, see Using SysAid Lists.

    Create a new deployment plan

    To create a new deployment plan, click DeployAgentsfilesNewPlan.png.

    Edit a deployment plan

    To view or edit an existing deployment plan, click its row in the list to open the Agent Deployment Plan form.

    Delete a deployment plan

    To delete agent deployment plans

    1. Select the check boxes corresponding to the deployment plans you want to delete.
    2. Click Delete.
    3. When prompted, click Delete.

    More Actions

    Click More Actions to open a window with the additional Deployment Plan fields. Select one of these fields, and then choose the desired value for that field from the adjoining drop-down list. Click Save to update each of the selected plans with the new field values.



    Select the RDS you want the selected plans to use to deploy or undeploy the agents on the relevant assets.


    Select the credentials to apply to the RDS you select for the selected deployment plans.

    To view all of the existing sets of credentials or create a new set of credentials, see the Credentials list.

    Agent Settings

    Select an Agent Setting configuration to apply to all agents deployed with the selected deployment plans.

    To view all of the existing Setting configurations or create a new configuration, see the Agent Settings list.


    Select if you'd like the selected deployment plans to run on a defined schedule.


    Select Yes or No for quick deployment. When Yes is selected for these plans, SysAid runs the plans on the online computers within the defined IP range or domain only.

    A quick scan is faster but may miss any computers that come online after the list of online computers is prepared.

    Before deployment

    Before deploying the agent, the following ports must be opened between the deploying computer and the target computers: TCP 139, TCP 445, UDP 137, UDP 138, and UDP 8193. After the agent is deployed, only port 8193 must be kept open*. The other ports are only used in the deployment process. You must also ensure that the following three services are running on each computer you are deploying to:

    • Server (on by default)
    • Remote Procedure Call (RPC) (on by default)
    • Remote Registry
    Remote registry starts by default in Windows XP and Windows Server 2003, but not in Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows Server 2008.
    The agent works if this port is closed, but you lose certain functionality.

    Deploying to Linux and Mac: You must ensure that SSH is running on the target computers.
    Deploying to Leopard (Mac OS X 10.5): After deploying the agent, you must restart the computer for the agent to begin working.