Publish Settings Configuration Policies to the Agents
    • 16 Jan 2023
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    Publish Settings Configuration Policies to the Agents

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    Article summary

    Zero-configuration networking service is now available between RDS and SysAid agents (currently only Mac and Linux agents). 

    This functionality enables publishing the Agent settings configuration policies to these types of agents without using GPO; allowing your Mac and Linux agents to obtain the relevant settings policies in a seamless manner, instead of manually typing in the settings for each agent.

    Publish settings configuration policy

    Go to the RDS page, and open the Configuration tab. 

    Follow these steps:

    1. Click the checkbox "Publish configuration policies to all agents"
    2. Select the desired settings configuration policy from the list
    3. Save

    This setting enables a service that publishes the selected configuration policy to all the agents in the subnet. A status update will appear at the top of the page, confirming that the settings policy was published successfully. Agents that lack configuration settings (newly deployed or re-deployed agents) will communicate with the RDS and get the settings policy in return.  

    In the case there's a communication issue between the SysAid server and the RDS, it's possible that the process will not be completed as planned. 

    In this scenario, you will receive a relevant update.

    If the RDS is up and running, it will continue trying to publish the selected policy;
    We recommend coming back at a later stage to check the status again. 

    Remove a published configuration policy

    In the event that you need to remove a published settings configuration policy, uncheck the checkbox and click Save. 

    This will disable the service from publishing a policy to the agents communicating with the RDS. 

    In this scenario, newly deployed (or re-deployed) agents lacking the settings configuration policy will have to be configured manually.

    Update a published configuration policy

    In the scenario where there's a need to update a published settings configuration policy (to a different one, already defined), select the desired policy and click Save. 

    Please note: This operation will only affect newly deployed (or re-deployed) agents and will not change the settings configured on existing active agents. 

    In the event that you'd like to make sure all agents are configured with the same, updated policy, do one of the following:

    • Undeploy all the agents and re-deploy them again - via the General tab; More details here.
    • Update the agent settings policy via the Asset List; More details here.