Action Item Fields
    • 01 Feb 2023
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    Action Item Fields

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    Article summary

    SysAid provides a variety of action item fields that you can use for your action items.

    You may see fields not listed below. There may be custom fields that were added to your system, or fields added by a third-party integration.
    Action item custom Date 1 - 10These date fields can be used to record any additional dates relevant to the action item. You can rename these fields from Settings > Customize > Translation.
    Action item custom Float 1 - 10These floating integer fields can be used to record any additional integer decimal values relevant to the action item. You can rename these fields from Settings > Customize > Translation.
    Action item custom Int 1 - 10These integer fields can be used to record any additional integer values relevant to the action item. You can rename these fields from Settings > Customize > Translation.
    Action item custom List 1 - 10These list fields can be used to record additional information relevant to the action items. You can rename these fields from Settings > Customize > Translation. You can edit the lists from Settings > Customize > Lists.
    Action item custom Notes 1 - 10These fields can be used to record any additional notes relevant to the action item. You can rename this field from Settings > Customize > Translation.
    Action item custom Text 1 - 10These short text fields can be used to record any text relevant to the action item. You can rename these fields from Settings > Customize > Translation.
    Actions [Send Message]Displays a link that allow you to send a message to the user who opened the service record.
    Additional UserAllows you to add a user to part of a workflow process.
    Admin groupAllows you to assign the action item to a group of administrators.
    Approved  Allows for the approval (Y) or rejection (n) of an action item.
    AssetAllows you to connect an asset to the action item.
    You can click Change to attach a different asset, or click Detach to remove the asset.
    Click Show Details to view details for the attached asset. This can be very helpful for troubleshooting hardware or software related issues.
    Click Remote Control to initiate a remote control session with the attached asset and instantly connect to the computer with the problem. Note that the remote control icon only appears if the attached asset is a computer.
    Assigned toAllows you to assign the action item to an administrator or end user.
    AttachmentsAllows you to add attachments to an action item.
    Backout plan exists and testedAllows for indicating the existence or non-existance of a tested backout plan.
    Budgeted Select if there is a budget for the action item or not.
    CAB meeting referenceThe Reference number for the relevant CAB (Change Advisory Board) meeting.
    CI AttachmentAllows you to Attach a CI to the action item.
    CI RelationsShows you which CIs are related to the service record's Main CI, and shows you whether they're directly connected or connected through other CIs.
    CompanyThis is the company of the SR's request user. You can assign users to companies under Tools > User Management > End Users. If you select a company before selecting a request user, the list of request users will show only users from the chosen company.
    Completed TimeThe date and time that the action item is completed. This field populates automatically when you click Complete.
    ComplexityAllows you to select the complexity level of the action item.
    Department To ChargeThe department to be charged for the cost of the action item.
    Due DatePresents an empty pane and a calendar icon. An administrator can fill in the due date for the action item either by clicking the calendar icon and selecting the date or by typing it into the pane.
    Duration in hoursAllows you to enter the number of hours spent handling the SR.
    Enabled TimeThe date and time that the action item is completed. This field populates automatically the moment the action item is enabled.
    Expected Downtime StartThe date and time the admin expects the downtime resulting from the SR resolution will begin.
    Expected Downtime EndThe date and time the admin expects the downtime resulting from the SR resolution will end.
    Hardware CostsAllows you to enter any hardware costs associated with the SR.
    ImpactImpact is how big an effect the SR will have on your organization. Impact is chosen by administrators. This is in contrast to Urgency, which is how soon the SR will have a negative effect on your organization. You may edit the Impact list under Settings > Customize > Lists.
    Installation CostsAllows you to enter any installation costs associated with the SR.
    InstructionsAllows you to enter instructions for the action item.
    Internal Manpower In HoursAllows you to enter the number of internal manpower required for or spent during the handling of the SR.
    LinksAllows you to add links to websites, FTP, local/network storage, and Lotus Notes items.
    LocationAllows you to choose a location for the service record. The location list may be edited under Settings > Customize > Lists.
    Maintenance CostsAllows you to enter any maintenance costs associated with the SR.
    Modify TimeThis is the time the service record was last modified. A service record is considered to have been modified any time an administrator clicks OK/Apply. Adding activities does not update the Modify Time.
    NotesThis field allows you to add notes to a service record.
    Percent completedAllows you to update the setimated progress of the action item.
    Policy Compliance 
    PriorityPriority indicates how important the resolution of this service record is to the continued normal operation of the company. A server down issue could have a priority of "Very High," while a toner low message could have a priority of "Low." Priority can be defined directly by a priority rule, or calculated from Impact and Urgency based on the Priority Matrix. You may edit the Priority list under Settings > Customize > Lists.
    ProjectAllows you to include an existing project in the action item.
    Proposed delivery dateAllows you to propose a date to deliver the resolution of the SR.
    Proposed versionThis field supports a part of the Release Management process. Enter the expected release version that this change is included in here.
    RecurrenceIndicates how often an issue recurs (Daily, Weekly, or Monthly)
    Re-openedIndicates if the action item has been reopened. This field populates automatically.
    Request timeDisplays the time at which the service record was submitted. This field is automatically populated.
    Resources required in daysThe estimated amount of days required for the SR.
    Software CostsAllows you to enter any software costs associated with the SR.
    Submit userThis shows the individual who submitted the service record. Unlike the Request User field, you can't change the Submit User. If you submit a service record on behalf of somebody else, please be sure to choose that person as the service record's Request User.
    TaskAllows you to include an existing task in the action item.
    TitleThis is the title of the action item.
    Total CostsAllows you to enter the total cost incurred by the SR.
    Total Expected Downtime In HoursAllows you to enter the total downtime you expect to be caused by the handling of the SR.
    Training CostsEstimated costs for training to implement the SR resolution.
    UrgencyUrgency is how soon the SR will have a negative effect on your organization. End users select an urgency when they submit a service record from the End-User Portal. This is in contrast to Impact, which is how big an effect the SR will have on your organization. You may edit the Urgency list under Settings > Customize > Lists.
    User AcceptanceAllows the user to confirm that the resolution was delivered as requested after the change or in pre-production stage.