May 2024
    • 06 Jun 2024
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    May 2024

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    Article summary

    These new features include exciting and effective improvements to Cloud (Classic & Spaces), including SysAid Copilot and SysAid for Teams.

    May 22, 2024

    SysAid Copilot

    Whitelist selective nested sites from SharePoint URLs

    SharePoint Dataset creation form now contains an input field where AI Admins can list selective nested sites within the SharePoint URL (separated by commas) to include (whitelist) from the SharePoint Dataset.


    If no values are added to this field, all sites within the provided URL are imported and processed into the SharePoint Dataset

    Add SharePoint Pages to your Data Pool’s SharePoint Datasets

    AI Admins can now add SharePoint Pages to their Data Pool’s SharePoint Datasets.

    AI Chatbot for Microsoft Teams 🗨️

    End Users can rank AI Chatbot responses with Thumbs up/Thumbs down

    End users can rank the AI Chatbot’s response with a Thumbs up/Thumbs down button — which is then tracked in the Monitor & Fine-tune’s Verification Drawer.

    BI Analytics 📊

    Customize date ranges to compare

    ITSM Performance Dashboard (Sheet 1)

    Admins can customize the timeframe from the chart’s comparison dropdown or choose from a list of predefined dates.

    Filter by Service Record Type

    Incidents vs. Requests Dashboard (Sheet 2)

    Admins can click on the Request/Incident Chart to filter the Dashboard based on Service Record Type (Requests/Incidents)

    May 7, 2024

    SysAid for Teams

    SysAid for Teams users who don’t have SysAid Copilot enabled (or without a valid SysAid Copilot license) – will continue to enjoy the non-AI SysAid for Teams experience


    The older version of our Mobile Solution is no longer supported.

    Since early 2022, we've redirected all mobile traffic to our new interface.

    Learn more about SysAid Mobile Solution here.

    What's Next