SR Form Solutions
    • 28 Jul 2022
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    SR Form Solutions

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    Article summary

    Typically, you will use the Solution tab after you've finished working on a service record. It allows you to record the steps you've taken to resolve the SR.

    After making any changes on this page, click OK/Apply to save your work.


    The Resolution and Solution fields give you two different places to record the steps you've taken to resolve a service record. Note that the solution field appears by default to end users on the End-User Portal while the resolution field does not.

    The Actions list gives you several options:

    Remote control iconInitiate a remote control session with the SR's Main Asset. Note that the remote control only works if the attached asset is a computer.
    Send an email to the SR's request user.
    Add the contents of the solution field to a new Knowledge Base article. The category, title, and description of the service record are copied as well. For more information about creating Knowledge Base articles, please go here.
    Click here to view all Knowledge Base articles with the same category of the service record. This helps you to quickly find a relevant KB article that can help you resolve the service record.

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