Setup Nagios Core Integration
    • 07 Jun 2022
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    Setup Nagios Core Integration

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    Article summary

    After you generate your scripts in SysAid, you must configure Nagios Core to run those scripts to automatically generate the SRs you want and to import the hosts you are monitoring with Nagios to SysAid Asset Management.

    Automatically create SRs for Nagios events and alerts

    The first two of the three scripts you generated allow Nagios to automatically create SRs in SysAid for events and alerts relating to hosts and services you are monitoring. The following procedure enables Nagios to run those scripts and communicate the information to SysAid. You can repeat this process to configure different host groups or service groups to run different scripts.

    Preparatory Steps

    Before modifying any of your Nagios files, be sure to take the following steps.

    1. Backup the following files:
      • contacts.cfg
      • commands.cfg
      • nagios.cfg
    2. Restart Nagios to validate the current configuration with the following command: 
      service nagios restart
    3. Transfer the "sysaid_host_notification.bash" and the "sysaid_service_notification.bash" script files that you generated in SysAid to the nagios/libexec/eventhandlers folder.
    4. Change the access permissions on the scripts to allow their execution, using chmod: 
      chmod +x sysaid_host_notification.bash sysaid_service_notification.bash

    Update the Nagios configuration files

    1. Locate the nagios.cfg file and update the enable_environment_macros parameter to '1':
    2. Update the Command configuration file to run the scripts:
      1. Locate the commands.cfg file in the "/usr/local/nagios/etc/objects" directory.
      2. Add a command for each of the two scripts that includes a command name you select and command line that provides the full path for the script 
      3. Sample command definitions
        define command{
        command_name notify-sysaid-host-event
        command_line /usr/local/nagios/libexec/eventhandlers/sysaid_host_notification.bash
        define command{
        command_name notify-sysaid-service-event
        command_line /usr/local/nagios/libexec/eventhandlers/sysaid_service_notification.bash
    3. Update the Contacts configuration file to run the script:
      1. Locate the contacts.cfg file in the "/usr/local/nagios/etc/objects" directory.
      2. Define a new contact to receive the commands you defined in the commands.cfg file.
      3. Specify the contact name and alias.
      4. Specify if the contact should receive both host and service notifications.
      5. Specify the time-frame for receiving notifications.
      6. Specify the type of host and service notifications that should be sent to the contact (see the Notification Options table below for more information).
      7. Specify the commands you defined in the commands.cfg file.
    4.  Enable the new contact in Nagios by adding it to the hosts and services you want to receive notifications for. This is usually done by adding the contact to a contact group as in the following sample command in the contacts.cfg file:
      define contactgroup{
      contactgroup_name admins
      alias Nagios Administrators
      members nagiosadmin,sysaid
    5. Restart Nagios with the following command:
      service nagios restart

    Notification options

    You can trigger a notification to run on the following host/service states.

    Host Notifications
    SScheduled Downtime
    Service Notifications
    SScheduled Downtime

    Import Nagios hosts as assets in SysAid

    The third script you generate in SysAid allows you to import all of the hosts defined in Nagios into SysAid Asset Management.

    1. Transfer the "send_host_list_to_sysaid.bash" script file to a folder in Nagios.
    2. Change the access permissions on the secripts to allow their execution, using chmod:
      chmod +x send_host_list_to_sysaid.bash
    3. Run the script as follows:
    It is recommended to to set up a scheduled cron job to import assets on a regular basis.