Service Record Fields
    • 17 Jul 2024
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    Service Record Fields

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    Article summary

    The Service Record Fields in this list can be added to Spaces Service Records (including Templates) and to the Spaces Queue.



    Recorded Service Record Activity


    Name of the SLA attached to the Incident

    Assigned Counter

    Number of times the SR has been assigned or reassigned


    Admin who the SR is assigned to


    Attachments uploaded to a SR



    Users automatically added to CC field when sending an email from the SR


    Specified scope of the SR (Minor, Significant, Major)

    Close Time

    Time and date the SR was closed

    Closure Information

    Additional information about the SR closure


    Company of the Request User

    Current Support Level

    Current support level based on the assigned Group



    Department of the Request User


    Description of the Service Record

    Due Date

    Date automatically assigned based on predefined rules and the operating times of the relevant Agreement or Company


    Email Account

    Email address used for Automatic Emails related to the SR

    Escalation Level

    The priority level (between 0 and 5) of a Service Record; 0 means not escalated


    Follow-up Actual Date

    Date an administrator actually followed up on SR

    Follow-up Planned Date

    Date an administrator intends to follow up on SR

    Follow-up Text

    Notes related to the desired follow-up for this SR

    Follow-up User

    Administrator to follow up on the service record

    Full Name

    Request User’s Full Name

    I - L


    Effect the SR will have on organization

    Is Escalated

    Whether or not an SR is escalated


    Location chosen for the service record


    Main Asset

    Primary Asset affected by the SR

    Main CI

    Primary CI affected by the SR

    Main Project

    Project connected to the SR

    Main Task

    Task connected to the SR

    Max Support Level

    Highest Support Level assigned to the SR since it was created


    All incoming and outgoing emails for a service record

    Modify Time

    Time the SR was last modified

    Modify User

    User that last modified the SR

    N - P


    Written by Request Users and Admins to log SR activity and leave comments for other users


    Reopen Counter

    Number of times a SR has been reopened

    Request User

    User who requested the service described in the SR

    Request User Manager

    Manager of the Request User


    Steps taken to resolve the SR

    Responsible Admin

    Admin in charge of resolving the SR



    Recorded solution of how SR was resolved


    SR Submission method (e.g. Email, AI Chatbot, SSP)

    SR Custom Date 1

    Additional dates relevant to the SR

    SR Custom Date 2

    Additional dates relevant to the SR

    SR Custom Int 1

    Additional integer values relevant to the SR

    SR Custom Int 2

    Additional integer values relevant to the SR

    SR Custom List 1

    Additional information (in list format) relevant to the SR

    SR Custom List 2

    Additional information (in list format) relevant to the SR

    SR Custom Notes

    Additional text relevant to the SR (for Admin and/or Request User to read)

    SR Custom Text 1

    Additional text relevant to the SR

    SR Custom Text 2

    Additional text relevant to the SR

    SR Type

    Type of Service Record — Incident/Request/Change/Problem


    Stage of progress towards SR resolution

    Submit Time

    Time of SR submission

    Submit User

    User who submitted the SR

    Success Rating

    Rate the level of success in resolving the SR

    Survey Status

    Whether survey was sent or answered

    T - W


    Title created and given to the Service Record


    How soon the SR will have a negative effect on the organization


    Indicates high priority Status


    Temporary solution to mitigate the issue

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