Import Asset to CI Settings
    • 07 Jun 2022
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    Import Asset to CI Settings

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    Article summary

    When you import assets into the CMDB from Settings > CMDB > Import System Items, fields specified on this page are copied from the asset to the CI. Furthermore, any time you update these fields on the asset, they are automatically updated on the CI as well.


    The default number of fields to copy from asset to CI is five. If you would like to change this number, enter a new Number of fields to copy and click Update Fields Number.


    The data type of the asset field must match the data type of the CI field. For example, you can't map an integer to a text.

    Choose the asset fields you would like copied to the CI, and then choose the destination fields on the CI to receive the copied data from the asset. Make sure that you match data type between the corresponding asset and CI fields.

    Click Save when you've finished making changes to this page.