Configure Asset Warranty Integration
    • 09 May 2024
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    Configure Asset Warranty Integration

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    Article summary

    Sync Asset Warranty data with the Asset Information listed in SysAid Service Desk Asset List.


    • SysAid Full Edition

    • Dell Technologies Business TechDirect Account

    Enabling this Integration requires synchronization between the organization's Asset manufacturer account and SysAid Service Desk.

    The Integration allows you to track all Asset warranty information directly in SysAid, so you can manage it proactively and efficiently.

    This document provides the steps required to activate your Asset Warranty Integration.

    Step 1: Activate the Asset Warranty Integration

    To configure your Asset Warranty Integration in SysAid, follow these steps:

    1. Go to Settings > My Apps > Asset Warranty

    2. Click on the cogwheel icon

    3. Turn on the “Activate integration” toggle

    4. Enter your Dell Client ID

    5. Enter your Dell Client Secret

    For more information, see the instructions for obtaining your Dell API Key Details.

    1. Choose whether to “Overwrite Existing Warranty Expiration” (Y/N)

      • Y: The out-of-the-box “Warranty Expiration Field” should be overwritten by the Asset Warranty Expiration from Dell

      • N: The newly created “Asset Warranty Expiration” Custom Field should be overwritten (auto-populated) by the Asset Warranty Expiration from Dell

    2. Click “Save Changes”

    3. Click “Test Connection”

      • If successful: A Success confirmation popup will appear

      • If failed: Try verifying your credentials or reviewing your SysAid logs

    Step 2: Sync your Asset Warranty Integration with Dell

    Save Changes

    Clicking “Save Changes” runs the Asset Warranty Sync on all registered Dell Assets

    Step 3: Manage Asset Warranty Details

    Once your Dell Asset Warranty Add-on is enabled, all Assets (whose Manufacturer is populated as “DELL”) are registered according to their serial number, and the following Date Fields are created in your Asset List:

    Field Name

    Field Type


    Asset Ship Date


    Date of Asset Shipment

    Asset Warranty Expiration


    Asset Warranty Expiration Date (automatically populated by default)

    Asset Warranty Last Sync


    Last sync between Dell Asset(s) and SysAid Asset List

    • These Fields are accessible in Asset List and Asset Form, and can be used in any Report

    • Any Asset Sync failures will be listed in sysaid.log, addon.log, and audit.log

    • Custom Fields that are added as "View only" can't be edited manually