Workstations/Servers/Network Devices
    • 03 Jun 2022
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    Workstations/Servers/Network Devices

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    Article summary

    In SysAid, a monitoring configuration is the collection of individual monitoring rules applied to a single asset. This page shows you a list of all workstations, servers, or network devices that have a monitoring configuration attached to them. The colored alerts allow you to see quickly which assets have monitoring warnings and errors. See below for a description of these alerts.


    Monitoring alerts and graphs

    Each monitoring configuration has an alert next to it which tells you the status of that monitoring configuration.

    If everything is in order, the alert icon will be green.

    If one of the monitoring tests on the asset has reached the warning threshold, the alert icon will be yellow.

    If one of the monitoring tests on the asset has reached the error threshold, the alert icon will be red.

    If monitoring is disabled for the asset, the icon will be silver.

    If there has been no data from the asset for more than the period of time specified under Monitoring > Monitoring Settings and the last alert was green or yellow, the circle will be hollow. If the last alert was red, the circle will have an exclamation mark instead.

    Click on the plus icon SharedimagesExpandlisticonExpandlisticon.jpg next to an asset to show all monitoring rules for that particular asset. Click on one of the monitoring rules to view a graph of the results of that rule.

    Creating and editing monitoring rules

    When you first install SysAid, there won't be any monitoring configurations in your list. You can individually create your monitoring configurations per asset here, or you can create a configuration to apply to many assets under monitoring templates.

    You can create a new monitoring configuration by clicking the new icon image.png. You can edit an existing monitoring configuration by clicking on it's primary row (if you click on one of the nested rows that displays details for an individual monitoring rule, it will open a graph of that rule). For further instructions for editing monitoring configurations, please go here.

    You may disable a monitoring configuration by selecting the rule using the tickbox at the left of it's row and clicking the disable monitoring icon MonitorConfigurationfilesDisablemonitoriconDisablemonitoricon.jpg.
    You may enable a disabled monitoring configuration by selecting the rule using the tickbox at the left of it's row and clicking the enable monitoring icon MonitorConfigurationfilesEnablemonitoriconEnablemonitoricon.jpg. Note that disabled monitoring rules show a silver alert icon (see above).

    Additional icons on the monitoring configuration list page

    Export the list to a CSV file
    Print the list to .pdf
    Select a monitoring configuration and click this button to delete the selected configuration
    Select one or more monitoring configurations from the list and click here to print those configurations