Credential Form
    • 07 Jun 2022
    • PDF

    Credential Form

    • PDF

    Article summary

    The Credentials form contains all of the information required to deploy the SysAid agent via the RDS. When required for authentification, SysAid automatically transfers the information to the RDS in encrypted format to ensure the security of your sensitive information.

    To access other credential records or to delete credentials, see the Credentials List.

    Credentials fields

    NameThe name you select for this set of credentials.
    User NameIf you are using this credentials set to deploy to computers that belong to a domain include the domain name here. For example "acme-corp\DeployAdmin"

    If you are using this credentials set in an SNMP scan, enter the community name here.
    PasswordPassword for the asset you want to access.

    If you are using this credentials set in an SNMP scan, enter the community string here.
    DescriptionAny description you want to add for this set of credentials.
    Valid for WindowsIf checked, the RDS applies these credentials to Windows assets in your network.
    Valid for SSHIf checked, the RDS applies these credentials to assets in your network running Linux and OS X.
    Valid for SNMPIf checked, the RDS applies these credentials to SNMP-discovered assets in your network.
    SNMP v3 Settings
    Authentication ProtocolSelect the authentication protocol you want to use for these credentials.
    Encryption ProtocolSelect the encryption protocol you want to use for these credentials.
    Encryption KeyEnter you encryption key.
    Form History
    Created ByThe admin who created this credential record.
    Created DateThe date this credential record was created.
    Modified ByThe admin who last modified this credential record.
    Modified DateThe date this credential record was last modified.
