Template List
    • 11 Apr 2024
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    Template List

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    Article summary

    List of all Templates in one organized interface, making it even easier to create or modify Service Record Templates for quick and efficient SR creation.


    Admins with the “Create/Modify Incident Template” Permission

    All Out of the Box Templates and available customized Templates can be searched, filtered, sorted, or previewed in the Template List — all without opening the individual Templates.

    The Template List is where you can:

    • Open to view and manage Templates

    • Preview Templates

    • Create Templates

    • Activate Category driven Templates

    Inside the Template List

    The Template List can be accessed under Settings > Customization > Templates & Fields > Ticket Templates.

    This leads to the Template List, where all Templates are managed; composed of:

    Template List Header

    • To activate a Template as “Category driven”, click the Category driven Templates toggle above the Template List Grid

    • To create a Template, click "New Template" button in the List Header

    • To search a Template by name, enter its name in the Header’s Search bar

     Template List Grid

    • To open and view a Template, click on its row in the Template List Grid

    • To preview a Template, click on "Preview" in its row’s “Actions” Column

    • To filter a Column, hover over its name and click the Filter icon and select your desired filter values and click the [filter icon]

    • To sort the List Grid by a Column, hover over the 'sorting' arrow icon and click it to sort

    • To duplicate a Template, click its row’s three dots icon and click Duplicate

    • To delete a Template, click its row’s three dots icon and click Delete

    Out of the Box Templates

    OOTB Templates are predefined forms (can't be deleted) built by the SysAid system according to each Template Type. 

    Category driven Templates

    The "Category driven Template" Setting causes a Service Record’s Template to be set or updated according to its defined Category.

    When “Category driven Templates” is activated, creating a new Service Record will automatically select a default Template according to the Service Record’s assigned Category.

    To activate a Template as “Category driven”, click the Category driven Templates toggle above the Template List Grid.