Notes Notifications
    • 11 Apr 2024
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    Notes Notifications

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    Article summary

    Notifications sent to Admins and Admin Groups about Notes activity and updates


    Admins and Request Users (per configurations)

    Enable Notes Notifications

    Decide which users receive Notifications when Notes are added, edited or deleted

    Notes with Notifications enabled trigger Notifications sent to the relevant User or Group when a Note is created, edited, or deleted from the relevant Service Record.

    Admins (either those responsible or the Assigned Admin) can enable “Notes are added” notifications for one or more Users or Groups — in the Self-Service Portal.

    To enable “Notes are changed” Notifications, go to Self-Service Portal > General Settings and expand the user-type you'd like to modify Notifications for.

    This is where you can define the criteria for the Service Record events that trigger Notifications.

    Notifying Request Users

    “Notes are changed” Notifications are only sent to end users if the Note is set to “External” (the “Share with Request User” toggle is enabled)

    Add Custom Notification Tags to Notes

    Dynamic data (in the form of Tags) can be inserted Notifications -- based on the event that triggers the Notification (i.e. Status, Category, Title, Task Completion Progress).

    Many of the notifications include tags in their default contents, but these are only a fraction of the tags that you have available to use.

    For a list of Notification Tags that you can in use in Notes, see the Custom Notification Forms document.

    Alternatively, you can enter the $ character and start typing the name of the field value you want to include, and a list of autocomplete options is displayed for you to click your desired option.

    @Mention Admins and Admin Groups

    Typing “@” before a User’s name automatically sends them Notifications about all activity involving the Note they are mentioned in.

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