Inline Edit
    • 11 Apr 2024
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    Inline Edit

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    Article summary

    Edit Service Record Fields directly from the Queue, without opening individual Service Records or leaving the Queue.


    Admins with Service Record Edit permissions

    This document describes how to perform Inline Edits to manage your Queue.

    Edit Fields inline

    To edit a SR Field inline, hover over it to check if it’s editable. 

    Editable Fields in the Queue are indicated in hover state and by a hand icon, showing that the field is clickable (editable).

    If a Field isn’t editable, your cursor will display an arrow icon on hover, showing that the Field is Read Only and can’t be edited. 

    Most Fields are editable by default, but their edit permissions can be modified by Super Admins in the Template Designer .

    Track Inline Edits

    All Field edits, including Inline Edits, are recorded in the Journey; displayed in Full Journey and Audit Log Journey Modes.

    When a Status or Assignee Field is edited (in-page or inline), the change is shown in Highlights Mode.

    Inline Editing and Zen Mode

    Inline editing automatically enables Zen Mode, pausing Queue updates until the Field is no longer in focus

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