• 01 Feb 2023
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    Article summary

    This page gives you an opportunity to find answers to commonly asked questions without needing to contact the IT department. Always make sure to check the FAQ before submitting a service record, as the FAQ frequently can provide you with an immediate solution for your issue without having to involve your IT team.


    Click on any article in the list to view that article.

    How do I find the FAQ article that I need?

    To get the most out of the FAQ, you need to know how to find the article that describes the problem you're facing.

    To find an FAQ article, you can:

    • Filter by category. To select a category, click on a category name on the Category bar. To select all categories, click on All categories.

    • Use the Search field to search for text that appears in the article. SysAid will search through the FAQ to show you articles that contain the text you've entered. You could, for example, search for the text of an error message you've received.

    When you've located the desired FAQ article, click on it to view it.