Audit Log
    • 06 Jun 2022
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    Audit Log

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    Article summary

    The Password Services Audit Log shows you a list of all activity in Password Services. This includes both end user and administrator activity.

    This information is also recorded in the main SysAid logs, viewable under Settings > Customize > Event Logs.


    Activities recorded in the log include:



    User changed his password

    End User password was successfully reset

    User unlocked his account

    End User account was unlocked

    User completed his enrollment

    User filled out all of the required security questions

    Incorrect password when updating security questions

    User attempted to update security questions, but entered the wrong password. Changes to security questions not saved.

    Failed to answer Security Questions

    User exceeded the maximum number of allowable attempts to answer the security questions and was blocked from the system.

    Temporary password expired

    User successfully reset password but did not login before the temporary password expired.

    Failed to send notification email

    Reset password/unlock account successful but email was not successfully sent.

    Failed to send notification SMS

    Reset password/unlock account successful but SMS was not successfully sent.

    Invalid entry when updating security questions

    User entered invalid answers to the security questions.

    AD - Failed to connect to the AD

    SysAid unsuccessfully attempted to connect to Active Directory.

    AD - Wrong username\password

    The Active Directory username or password specified under Settings > Integration > LDAP is incorrect.

    AD (LDAP settings) – user with no permission

    The Active Directory username or password specified under Settings > Integration > LDAP does not have permission to change passwords.

    Changes were made by the administrators

    Changes were made to the module settings by an administrator.

    “User self Service” permission was enabled/disabled for administrator

    Permission to access the Password Services module was enabled/disabled for this administrator.

    “User self Service” permission was enabled/disabled for end user

    Permission to access the Password Self Service module was enabled/disabled for this end user.

    End user - failed to display Domain list

    SysAid was unable to load the list of domain names in step 1.

    End user – username validation

    The end user was not found in Active Directory.

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