Add/Edit News Item
    • 07 Jun 2022
    • PDF

    Add/Edit News Item

    • PDF

    Article summary

    This page allows you to edit news items in SysAid.


    Fill out the following fields and then click Save to insert your news item.


    Check this to enable the news item.


    This is the title of your news item.


    This is the content of the news item.

    Insert time

    This is the timestamp shown on the news item. Note that news items with an insert time that's in the future will still appear in the news box.

    Show news to

    Choose to show a news item to administrators, end users, or both.


    Choose to show a news item to one particular company or to all companies.


    Choose to show a news item to one user group or to all user groups.

    Urgent news

    If checked, the insert time of the news item will be highlighted in red, calling attention to the news item.

    HTML in news items

    News items support various HTML commands and CSS styles. Supported HTML and CSS include:

    • <br /> (line break)
    • <a href="" target="_blank">Hyperlink </a>
    • <strong>Bold </strong>
    • <em>Italics </em>
    • <u>Underline</u>
    • <span style="color:#3BB000">Color </span>