    • 28 Jul 2022
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    Article summary

    GA - August 7, 2022

    Features and Bugs


    Fixed a bug that prevented the Self-Service Portal Scoreboard from displaying action items that were assigned to a user group, and not to a specific user.

    Self-Service Portal
    15087Fixed a bug that caused SysAid to redirect end users, who clicked an action item Approve/Deny link, to the main Self-Service Portal page instead of the specific action item.Self-Service Portal
    15224Fixed a bug that caused SysAid to reset list filters after a user logged out and then back in to SysAid.General
    14720Fixed a bug that prevented SysAid from displaying change templates for approving patches with SysAid Patch Management.Patch Management
    17856 & 17666Upgraded Tomcat to v. 9.0.64 to protect against potential DoS attacks. This covers CVE-2022-29885.
    16741Tightened security around the SysAid Remote Discovery Service (RDS) by upgrading to version 8, build 312 of java.Security

    What's Next