SysAid REST API Details
    • 12 Feb 2024
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    SysAid REST API Details

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    Article summary




     The user’s account id.

    Example Value: cmdb


    Required: The user’s name

    Example Value: sysaid


    Required: The user’s password, url encoded (utf-8).

    Example Value: password123


    Should be set to true for mobile app.

    Example Value: true

    versionThe app version
    deviceThe device model
    osThe OS type
    os_versionThe OS version
    push_idThe id for push notifications

    An access key, the SysAid version and the basic information of the logged-in user.

    Sample JSON return value

       “date_format”:”yyyymmdd hh:MM:ss”
       “user”: {
                      “info”: [{“key”:”display_name”,”value”:”Barbara Straisend”},
                                 {“key”:”email_address”, “value”:””},
                                 {“key”:”building”, “value”:”1C”}]

    Return values definition



    Whether the user is authenticated to this app. true/false.


    The user unique id


    Returns the user’s default language, as defined in SysAid server


    Optional. An error message to display to the user in case of failure


    The SysAid server version


    Upon successful login, the API consumer needs to retrieve the JSESSIONID cookie from the Response Header and submit it in all consequent API Request Headers.


    Get Users List

    Get a list of users in SysAid.


    viewA SysAid view which defines the available fields (Mobile view is called 'Mobile').
    fieldsA list of fields to return, separated by commas. If sent together with the view parameter, returns both view's fields and the requested fields.
    typeThe user type to retrieve. Available values are: admin, user, and manager. Defaults to all user type.
    offsetRetrieved users count is limited (see limit parameter). This parameter specifies the offset (start point) from which to retrieve values (e.g. 25). Defaults to 0. Zero base.
    limitThe maximum number of users to retrieve per request. Defaults to 500 (configurable).

    A list of users. For each user returns the user ID, user Name, and information as defined in the view and/or fields parameters. If none of them exist, return full user information.

    Sample JSON return value

           “info”: [{“key”:”display_name”,”value”:”John Doe”},
                      {“key”:”email_address”, “value”:””},
                      {“key”:”building”, “value”:”1A”}]
           “info”: [{“key”:”display_name”,”value”:”Barbara Straisend”},
                      {“key”:”email_address”, “value”:””},
                      {“key”:”building”, “value”:”1C”}]

    Return values definition

    idThe user id
    nameThe user name
    infoUser information fields

    Get User

    Get information on the specified user


    viewA SysAid view which defines the available fields (mobile view is called ‘Mobile’).
    fieldsList of fields to return, comma separated. If sent together with view parameter, returns both view's fields and the requested fields.

    The user ID, user Name, and information as defined in the view and/or fields parameters. If none of them exist, return full user information.

    Sample JSON return value for /users/1?view=Mobile

       “info”: [{“key”:”display_name”,”value”:”Moshe Cohen”},
                   {“key”:”email_address”, “value”:””},
                   {“key”:”cubic”, “value”:”38”}]

    Return values definition

    idThe user id
    nameThe user name
    infoUser info fields, as defined in the User Form > Mobile Tab in SysAid.

    Search Users

    Get list of users in SysAid, according to a search criteria


    queryThe search criteria (Required)
    viewA SysAid view which defines the available fields (the mobile view is called ‘Mobile’).
    fieldsList of fields to return, comma separated. If sent together with view parameter, returns both view’s fields and the requested fields.
    type The users type to retrieve. Available values are: {admin, user, manager}. Defaults to all user types.
    offset Retrieved users count is limited (see limit parameter). This parameter specifies the offset (start point) from which to retrieve values (e.g. 25). Defaults to 0. Zero base.
    limit The maximum number of users to retrieve per request. Defaults to 500 (configurable).
    sortOne or more fields to sort by, from the fields that were fetched by the request. Defaults to ‘calculated_user_name’ field/
    dir Sort order: ascending or descending. available values: asc/desc. Default is ‘asc’. Relevant only when sort parameter is sent.

    A list of users that matched the search criteria. For each user returns the user ID, user Name, isAdmin, isSysAidAdmin, isManager, and information as defined in the view and/or fields parameters. If none of them exist, return full user info.

    Sample JSON return value for /users/search?query=Jo&fields=display_name,email_address&limit=2

    { “id”:”1”,
    “isAdmin”: true,
    “isSysAidAdmin”: false,
    “isManager”: true,
    “info”: [
    ”value”:”John Doe”, ”valueCaption”:”John Doe”},
    {“key”:”email_address”, ,”keyCaption”:”Email Address”,
    “value”:”1B”, ”valueCaption”:”1B”}]
    “isAdmin”: true,
    “isSysAidAdmin”: false,
    “isManager”: true,
    “info”: [
    ”value”:”Barbara Straisend”, ”valueCaption”:”Barbara Straisend”},
    {“key”:”email_address”, ,”keyCaption”:”Email Address”,
    “value”:””, “valueCaption”:””},
    “value”:”1C”, ”valueCaption”:”1C”}]

    Return values definition

    idThe user id
    nameThe user name
    isAdminWhether this user is an administrator
    isSysAidAdminWhether this user is a SysAid administrator
    isManagerWhether this user has manager permissions
    infoUser information fields array, according to requested fields (view/fields/all).
    info.keyThe id of the information field
    info.keyCaptionThe caption of the information field’s key
    info.valueThe field’s value.
    info.valueCaptionThe field’s value’s caption. A String representation of the value for display.

    Upload user's photo

    Uploads the specified user’s photo.


    Multiple data including the file


    fileMultiplart file part

    File size limit: 500KB

    Get User Permissions

    Get user permissions



    User’s full permissions set.

    Sample JSON return value or /users/1/permission

        “permissions”: [{“key”:”userPermissionUserSelfService”,”value”:”false”},

    Return values definition

    idThe user id
    nameThe user name
    permissionsList of key-value pairs with all available permissions

    Get a User's Permission

    Check a specific user permission



    User’s permission for the requested permission id

    Sample JSON return value for /users/1/permission/userPermissionUserSelfService


    Return values definition

    keyThe requested permission ID
    valueThe permission value


    Get Filters List

    Get list of available filters and their values.


    viewA SysAid view which defines the available filters. Defaults to SysAidMobile.
    fieldsList of filter fields to return. If not specified, returns all.
    offsetFilter values count is limited (see limit parameter). This parameter specifies the offset (start point) from which to retrieve values (e.g. 25). Defaults to 0.
    limitThe maximum number of filter values to retrieve per request. Defaults to 500 results (configurable).

    A list of all filters. For each filter returns the fields requested in the fields parameter. If not specified, returns full filter information.

    Sample JSON return value for /filters?p=SysAidMobile

           “values”:[{“id”:”1”, “caption”:”closed”},
           “metadata”: {”limit”:”20”, “offset”:”0”,”total”:”3”}
           “values”:[{“id”:”1”, “caption”:”High”},
           “metadata”: {”limit”:”20”, “offset”:”0”,”total”:”2”}

    Return values definition

    idThe filter ID, as defined in SysAid DB. Always returned. No need to specify in the Fields list.
    typeThe data type of this filter.
    Available data types are: text, numeric, boolean, date, list, nested, custom.
    valuesArray of  filter values.
    values.idThe filter value’s ID
    values.captionThe filter value’s caption
    metadataAdditional metadata on the filter values. Available only when the values field is returned. See fields parameter.
    metadata.limitThe maximum number of filter values per request
    metadata.offsetThe start index of filter values
    metadata.totalThe total number of filter values

    Get Filter

    Returns the information & available values for the specified filter.


    idThe filter ID (Required)
    viewA SysAid view which defines the available fields and filters. Defaults to SysAidMobile.
    offsetFilter values count is limited (see limit parameter). This parameter specifies the offset (start point) from which to retrieve values (e.g. 25). Defaults to 0.
    limitThe maximum number of filter values to retrieve per request. Defaults to 500 results (configurable).

    The filter information, according to the requested view.

    Sample JSON return value for /filters/status?view=SysAidMobile

      “values”: [
     “metadata”: {”limit”:”20”, “offset”:”0”,”total”:”2”}

    Return values definition

    idThe filter ID, as defined in SysAid DB. Always returned. No need to specify in fields list.
    typeThe data type of this filter. Optional.
    Available data types are: text, numeric, boolean, date, list, nested, custom.
    values An array of  filter values
    values.idThe filter value’s id
    values.captionThe filter value’s caption
    metadataAdditional metadata on the filter values
    metadata.limitmaximum number of filter values per request
    metadata.offsetThe start index of filter values
    metadata.totalThe total number of filter values

    Service Requests

    Get Service Request List

    Returns a list of available service records (SRs). Number of SRs to return can be controlled by the Offset, Limit, and Type parameters. Returned SRs can be filtered by the available filters. Each service record, Includes the fields according to the View and Fields parameters. If none are specified, all SR fields are returned.


    viewA SysAid view which defines the available fields in the list. If view is not specified, check for the fields parameter. If none is specified, returns all fields.
    fieldsList of fields to return. If specified together with the view parameter, return all view's fields together with the specified fields parameter. If none specified, return all SR fields.
    typeThe requested service record type. Available values are {incident,request,problem,change,all}. Multiple values can be sent, comma-separated.
    I.e: …&type=incident,request.
    If not specified, it defaults to all views created on the incident list.
    Note: If the View in your SysAid App was created on the All list view, to access it from the APIs you must provide this parameter with the value 'all'.
    offsetSR count is limited (see limit parameter). This parameter specifies the offset (start point) from which to retrieve values (e.g. 25). Defaults to 0.
    limitThe maximum number of SRs to retrieve per request. Defaults to 500 results (configurable).
    idsThe list of SR IDs to return, comma separated
    archiveWhether to return archived SRs. Value can be 1 or 0
    sortOne or more fields to sort by. Available fields are those that were fetched by the request.
    dirSort order: ascending or descending. Available values: asc/desc. Default is ‘asc’.  Relevant only when sort parameter is sent.

    List of key-value parameters with {} as the key. and {} as the value. I.e.: …&status=19&request_user=235.

    Multiple values can be sent, comma-separated. I.e.: …&status=4,5
    • User-related fields return the user’s ID, for additional user information, call user service.
    • Dates should be sent as milliseconds in UTC/GMT (since January 1, 1970).
    • In case of a specific date match, send only this date. For example:
      • Match a date: &due_date=1398935657000
    • If a range of dates or from/to is required, send a 2-objects array of dates. If one of them is not available, set to 0. For example:
      • Between dates: &due_date=1398935657000,1399313657000
      • From date: &due_date=1398935657000,0
      • To date: &due_date=0,1399313657000

    A list of service records. For each SR, it returns the SR ID, user permissions to update/delete/archive the SR, and information fields as defined in the view and/or fields parameters. If none of them exist, returns full user information.

    Sample JSON return value for /sr?view=SysAidMobile&fields=type,computer_id&limit=2

     “info”: [
       {“key”:”title”,”keyCaption”:”Title”,”value”:”basic Service Request”,
                                                     ”valueCaption”:”basic Service Request”},
       {“key”:”insert_time”,”keyCaption”:”Request Time”,“value”:”13975648000”,   
                                                          valueCaption”:”2014-04-01 11:46:48”},
       {“key”:”request_user”,”keyCaption”:”Request User”,  
                        “value”:””,”valueCaption”:”Leonardo Gonzales”},
       {“key”:”description”,”keyCaption”:”Description”, “value”:”Prezados Amos”,  
                                                             “valueCaption”:”Prezados Amos”},
      {“key”:”type,”keyCaption”:”Service Record Type”, “value”:”1”,
                                                            “valueCaption”:”Service Request”},
        {“key”:”computer_id”,”keyCaption”:”Asset ID”,“value”:”none”,
      “info”: [
       {“key”:”title”,”keyCaption”:”Title”,”value”:”Relatório de ocorrência”,
                                                   ”valueCaption”:”Relatório de ocorrência”},
       {“key”:”insert_time”,”keyCaption”:”Request Time”,“value”:”1392026000”,   
                                                         valueCaption”:”2013-05-28 11:12:50”},
       {“key”:”request_user”,”keyCaption”:”Request User”,  
                        “value”:””,”valueCaption”:”Leonardo Gonzales”},
       {“key”:”description”,”keyCaption”:”Description”, “value”:”Relatório de
                                  ocorrência”,“valueCaption”:”Relatório de ocorrência”},
       {“key”:”type,”keyCaption”:”Service Record Type”, “value”:”1”,
                                                            “valueCaption”:”Service Request”},
       {“key”:”computer_id”,”keyCaption”:”Asset ID”,“value”:”DELL-3PXZ15J”,

    Return values definition

    idThe user ID
    canUpdateWhether the user has permission to update this SR
    canDeleteWhether the user has permission to delete this SR
    canArchiveWhether the user has permission to archive this SR
    infoUser info fields. An array of key-value fields, representing the SR information
    info.keyThe ID of the info field
    info.keyCaptionThe caption of the info field’s key
    info.valueThe field’s value
    info.valueCaptionThe field’s value caption. A string representation of the value for display.

    Get Service Request Form

    Returns the information for the specified service record.


    idThe service record ID (Required)
    viewA SysAid view (tab) which defines the available fields in the service record form
    fieldsList of fields to return, comma separated. If sent together with view parameter, returns both view’s fields and the requested fields.

    The service record ID, user permissions to update/delete/archive the SR, and info fields according to the requested view and/or fields parameters. If none specified, return full service record information. Each info field contains metadata like: whether the field is mandatory, default value, is it editable etc.

    Sample JSON return value for /sr/273?fields=type,archive,update_time,status

        “info”: [{“key”:”sr_type”,
                     ”keyCaption”:”Service Record Type”,
                     ”valueCaption”:”Service Request”,
                        ”keyCaption”:”Modify Time”,
                        ”valueCaption”:”2014-05-22 11:09:44”,

    Return values definition

    idThe service record ID
    canUpdateWhether the user has permission to update this SR
    canDeleteWhether the user has permission to delete this SR
    canArchiveWhether the user has permission to archive this SR
    infoService record info fields as defined in the SR Form view and/or fields requested, or all available fields if none specified.
    info.keyThe ID of the info field
    info.keyCaptionThe caption of the info field’s key
    info.valueThe field’s value
    info.valueCaptionThe field’s value caption. A String representation of the value for display.
    info.mandatoryA boolean that specifies whether this field is mandatory
    info.editableA boolean that specifies whether this field is editable or read-only
    info.defaultValueThe default value for this field if a specified value is not available (null)
    info.typeThe field’s type. See available field types in Appendix A.

    Search Service Request

    Returns a list of service requests (SR), that matched the search criteria. Number of SRs to return can be controlled by offset, limit, and type parameters. Returned SRs can be filtered by filters (See Filter Service). Each Service Request, includes the fields according to view and/or fields parameters. If none specified, all SR fields are returned.


    queryThe search criteria.
    viewA SysAid view (tab) which defines the available fields in the service record form
    fieldsList of fields to return. If specified together with the view parameter, return all view's fields together with the specified fields. If none specified, return all SR fields.
    typeThe service record type. Available values are {incident,request,problem,change,all}. If not specified, returns incident type.
    offsetSR count is limited (see limit parameter). This parameter specifies the offset (start point) from which to retrieve values (e.g. 25). Defaults to 0.
    limitThe maximum number of SRs to retrieve per request. Defaults to 500 results (configurable).
    archiveWhether to return archived SRs. Value can be 1 or 0
    sortOne or more fields to sort by. Available fields are those that were fetched by the request.
    dirSort order: ascending or descending. Available values: asc/desc. Default is ‘asc’.  Relevant only when sort parameter is sent.

    List of key-value parameters with {} as the key. and {} as the value.
    I.e.: …&status=19&request_user=235.

    Multiple values can be sent, comma-separated. I.e.: …&status=4,5
    • User-related fields return the user’s ID, for additional user information, call user service.
    • Dates should be sent as milliseconds in UTC/GMT (since January 1, 1970).
    • In case of a specific date match, send only this date. For example:
      • Match a date: &due_date=1398935657000
    • If a range of dates or from/to is required, send a 2-objects array of dates. If one of them is not available, set to 0. For example:
      • Between dates: &due_date=1398935657000,1399313657000
      • From date: &due_date=1398935657000,0
      • To date: &due_date=0,1399313657000

    Sample JSON /sr/search?query=54&view=SysAidMobile&limit=2

    “info”: [
    {“key”:”title”,”keyCaption”:”Title”,”value”:”basic Service Request”, ”valueCaption”:”basic Service Request”},
    {“key”:”insert_time”,”keyCaption”:”Request Time”,“value”:”13975648000”, valueCaption”:”2014-04-01 11:46:48”},
    {“key”:”request_user”,”keyCaption”:”Request User”, “value”:””,”valueCaption”:”Leonardo Gonzales”},
    {“key”:”description”,”keyCaption”:”Description”, “value”:”Prezados Amos”, “valueCaption”:”Prezados Amos”},
    {“key”:”sr_type,”keyCaption”:”Service Record Type”, “value”:”1”, “valueCaption”:”Service Request”}]
    “info”: [
    {“key”:”title”,”keyCaption”:”Title”,”value”:”Relatório de ocorrência”, ”valueCaption”:”Relatório de ocorrência”},
    {“key”:”insert_time”,”keyCaption”:”Request Time”,“value”:”1392026000”, valueCaption”:”2013-05-28 11:12:50”},
    {“key”:”request_user”,”keyCaption”:”Request User”, “value”:””,”valueCaption”:”Leonardo Gonzales”},
    {“key”:”description”,”keyCaption”:”Description”, “value”:”Relatório de ocorrência”,“valueCaption”:”Relatório de ocorrência”},
    {“key”:”sr_type,”keyCaption”:”Service Record Type”, “value”:”1”, “valueCaption”:”Service Request”}]

    Return values definition


    the user ID

    canUpdateWhether the user has permission to update this SR
    canDeleteWhether the user has permission to delete this SR
    canArchiveWhether the user has permission to archive this SR
    infoService record information fields as defined in the SR Form view and/or fields requested, or all available fields if none specified.
    info.keyThe ID of the info field
    info.keyCaptionThe caption of the info field’s key
    info.valueThe field’s value
    info.valueCaptionThe field’s value caption. A tring representation of the value for display.

    Update Service Request

    Update a service request


    idThe service record ID

    A JSON string representing the service cords with the updated fields only.

    idThe service record ID
    infoService record information fields as defined in the SR Form view and/or fields requested, or all available fields if none specified.
    info.keyThe ID of the info field
    info.valueThe field’s value

    Sample JSON input for/sr/273, update the status, add a note, change assigned to user & modify time

    [{“key”:”update_time”, ”value”:1391756438000},
    {“key”:”status”, ”value”:2},
    {“userName”:”sysaid”,”createDate”:1391756438000,”text”:”Note 123”}

    Special Service Record Information Fields


    An array of Note objects. Each Note object consists of:

    {“userName”:<user_name>,”createDate”:<creation date milliseconds>,”text”:<text>}
    due_dateLong milliseconds in UTC/GMT (since January 1, 1970). insert_time is a read only field.

    Updates all 3 levels of categories.

    A concatenation of the categories, with underscore delimiter: <problem_type>_<problem_sub_type>_<third_level_category>.

    To update category- send only <problem_type>

    To update sub category - send both <problem_type>_<problem_sub_type>

    To update all 3 levels, send


    The following object type fields can be modified through a different API call:

    • Messages
    • attachments
    • links
    • activities

    Read-only fields: history, chats, department, CI relations, computer_name

    Count Service Request

    Returns the number of SRs that are compatible with the provided filters.



    List of key-value parameters with {} as the key. and {} as the value.
    I.e.: …&status=19&request_user=235.

    Multiple values can be sent, comma-separated. I.e.: …&status=4,5


    Sample JSON return value for**/sr/count?computer_id=1

    "count": 128

    Return values definition

    countNumber of SRs that are compatible with the provided filters

    Close Service Request

    Close a service record. Sets the service record status to the default Close status, as defined in the Help Desk settings.


    idThe service record ID

    A JSON string representing the solution.

    solutionThe solution

    Sample JSON input for /sr/6/close
    {“solution”:”restart the computer…”}

    Get Service Request Template

    Get a new service record template.


    viewA SysAid view which defines the available fields in the form. If view is not specified, check for the fields parameter. If none is specified, returns all fields.
    fieldsList of fields to return. If specified together with the view parameter, return all view's fields together with the specified fields. If none are specified, return all SR fields.
    typeThe service record type. Available values are {incident,request,problem,change,all}. If not specified, returns incident type.
    templateThe service record template ID, according to SR type. Defaults to the first/default template.

    The service record information, according to the requested view and/or fields parameters. If none are specified, return full service record information. Each information field contains metadata like: whether the field is mandatory, default value, is it editable, etc.

    Sample JSON return value for /sr/template?type=incident&template=39

      “info”: [{“key”:”request_user”,
                  ”keyCaption”:”Request user”,
                   ”value”:”Cannot connect to a Wi-Fi network”,                                                                   
                    ”valueCaption”:”Cannot connect to a Wi-Fi network”,

    Return values definition

    id0 represents a template/new service record
    infoService Record information fields as defined in the SR Form view and/or fields requested, or all available fields if none specified.
    info.keyThe ID of the info field
    info.keyCaptionThe caption of the info field’s key
    info.valueThe field’s value
    info.valueCaptionThe field’s value caption. A tring representation of the value for display.
    info.mandatoryA boolean that specifies whether this field is mandatory
    info.editableA boolean that specifies whether this field is editable or read-only
    info.defaultValueThe default value for this field if a specified value is not available (null)
    info.typeThe field’s type. See available field types in Appendix A.

    Create Service Request

    Create a new service record and returns the newly created service record.



    A SysAid view which defines the available fields in the form. If view is not specified, check for the fields parameter. If none is specified, returns all fields.

    fieldsList of fields to return. If specified together with the view parameter, return all view's fields together with the specified fields. If none are specified, return all SR fields.
    typeThe service record type. Available values are {incident,request,problem,change,all}. If not specified, returns incident type.
    templateThe service record template ID, according to SR type. Defaults to the first/default template.

    A JSON string representing the new service record.

    infoService record’s updated info fields. Each field contains a key-value pair.
    info.keyThe ID of the info field
    info.valueThe info field value

    Sample JSON input - set SR status, assigned to, due date and add a note

      “info”: [{“key”:”due_date”, ”value”:1391756438000},
                {“key”:”status”, ”value”:2}
                {“key”:”problem_type”,“value”:“UserWorkstation_PC_Password” }
                {“userName”:”sysaid”,”createDate”:1391756438000,”text”:”Note 123”}

    Special Service Record Information Fields


    An array of Note objects. Each Note object consists of:

    {“userName”:<user_name>,”createDate”:<creation date milliseconds>,”text”:<text>}
    due_dateLong milliseconds in UTC/GMT (since January 1, 1970). insert_time is a read only field.
    problem_typeUse this key to add all the categories in a single value. For example: “value”:Cat1_SubCat1_ThirdCat1”. For more information, see the input example above.

    The new service record information, according to the requested view and/or fields parameters. If none is specified, return the full service records information. Each info field contains metadata like: whether the field is mandatory, default value, is it editable, etc.

    Sample JSON return value for POST /sr?view=Mobile&type=incident&template=39

      “info”: [{“key”:”request_user”,
                  ”keyCaption”:”Request user”,
                    ”value”:”Cannot connect to a Wi-Fi network”,                                                               
                    ”valueCaption”:”Cannot connect to a Wi-Fi network”,

    Return values definition

    id0 represents a template/new service record.
    infoService record info fields as defined in the SR Form view and/or fields requested, or all available fields if none specified.
    info.keyThe ID of the info field
    info.keyCaptionThe caption of the info field’s key
    info.valueThe field’s value.
    info.valueCaptionThe field’s value caption. A String representation of the value for display.
    info.mandatoryA boolean that specifies whether this field is mandatory
    info.editableA boolean that specifies whether this field is editable or read-only
    info.defaultValueThe default value for this field if a specified value is not available (null)
    info.typeThe field’s type. See available field types in Appendix A.

    After the service record is created, the following Object type fields can be added to the new service record through their different API calls:

    • Messages
    • Attachments
    • Links
    • Activities

    Delete Service Request

    Delete one or more service records


    idsA list of comma separated SR IDs to delete.

    Add Service Request Link

    Add a link to a service record


    idThe service record ID.

    A JSON string representing the link.

    nameThe new link name.
    linkThe link URL.

    Sample JSON input for /sr/6/link

    Delete Service Request Link

    Delete a link from a service record.


    idThe service record id.

    A JSON string representing the link name to delete

    nameThe deleted link name

    Sample JSON input for /sr/6/link

    Add Service Request Attachment

    Add an attachment to a service record.


    idThe service record ID.

    File Multipart/Form data.

    Delete Service Request Attachment

    Delete an attachment from a service record.


    idThe service record ID.

    A JSON string representing the attachment file ID to delete.

    fileIdThe deleted attachment file ID.

    Sample JSON input for /sr/6/attachment

    Add Service Request Activity

    Add an activity to a service record.


    idThe service record ID.

    A JSON string representing the new activity.

    userIdThe new activity’s user name.
    fromTimeThe activity's start time.
    toTimeThe activity's end time.
    descriptionThe description of the new activity.

    Sample JSON input for /sr/6/activity
    {"userId":"sysaid","fromTime":"1378501200000","toTime":"1378846800000","description":"This is an activity from API"}

    The total time is automatically calculated.

    Delete Service Request Activity

    Delete an activity from service record


    idThe service record ID.

    A JSON string representing the deleted activity ID.

    idThe deleted activity ID.

    Sample JSON input for /sr/6/activity

    Send Message From Service Request

    Send a message from a Service Record form.


    idThe service record ID (Required)


    The Send method. Can be email, SMS, broadcast, or IM (instant message). Defaults to email.
    addAttachmentToSrWhether to add message attachments to a service record. The value can be either true or false. The default is true.
    addSrDetailsWhether to add the service record details to the message. The value can be either true or false. The default is true.

    Multipart data including one or more files attached to the message, and a JSON string representing the new message.

    fileMultipart file part. Can be one or more files to attach to the message.


    A non-encoded JSON string representing the new message.
    message.fromUserIdThe sender user ID.
    message.toUsersThe IDs of the users in the To field. A comma-separated string, with users IDs. If there's a group, the group ID should be surrounded by [ ].
    I.e.: “1,23,22,45,[3],67”.
    message.ccUsersThe IDs of the user in the CC field. A comma-separated string, with users IDs. If there's a group, the group ID should be surrounded by [ ]. I.e.: “1,23,22,45,[3],67”.
    message.msgSubjectThe message subject.
    message.msgBodyThe message body.

    Sample JSON input for /sr/6/message

    {"fromUserId":"124","toUsers":"1,140,123,124","ccUsers":"3,125,127,[11]","msgSubject":"This is a message from API","msgBody":"Hello Hello Hello ......."}

    If the list of To and/or CC users include invalid email addresses or addresses that belong to disabled users, these addresses are ignored and written to the logs as invalid. Other valid addresses will receive the mail.

    Action Items

    Get action items

    Get a list of action items



    A SysAid view which defines the available fields. If view is not specified, check for the fields parameter. If none is specified, returns all fields.

    fields List of fields to return. Comma-separated. If sent together with the view parameter, return both view's fields together with the specified fields. If none is specified, return all SR fields.
    typeThe service record type. Available values are {incident,request,problem,change,all}. If not specified, returns incident type.
    idsA list of comma-separated SR IDs to return their action items.

    List of key-value parameters with {} as the key. and {} as the value. I.e.: …&status=19&request_user=235.

    Multiple values can be sent, comma-separated. I.e.: …&status=4,5

    The Status filter can also be set to "active" to retrieve only active action items.

    staticFilterIdThe Static filter from the scoreboard.
    archiveWhether to return archived action items. Values can be 1 or 0.
    queryThe search criteria
    offsetAction items count is limited (see limit parameter). This parameter specifies the offset (start point) from which to retrieve values (e.g. 25). Defaults to 0. Zero based.
    limitThe maximum number of action items to retrieve per request. Defaults to 500 (configurable).
    sortOne or more fields to sort by, from the fields that were fetched by the request.
    dirSort order: ascending or descending. Available values: asc/desc. Default is ‘asc’. Relevant only when sort parameter is sent.

    A list of action item

    Sample JSON return value


    Count Action Items

    Count action items


    viewA SysAid view which defines the available fields. If view not specified, check for fields parameter. If not specified, returns all fields.
    fieldsA list of fields to return. Comma separated. If sent together with the view parameter, it returns both view's fields and the requested fields. If not specified, returns all fields.
    typeThe requested service record type. Available values are {incident,request,problem,change,all}. If not specified, returns incident type.
    Multiple comma-separated values can be sent. I.e.: …&type=incident,request. If not specified, returns all.
    idsA list of comma-separated SR IDs to return their action items.

    List of key-value parameters with {} as the key. and {} as the value.
    I.e.: …&status=19&request_user=235.

    Multiple values can be sent, comma-separated. I.e.: …&status=4,5
    staticFilterIdThe Static filter from the scoreboard.
    archiveWhether to return archived SRs. Values can be 1 or 0.
    querySearch criteria

    The number of action items.

    Sample JSON return value


    Approve Action Items

    Approve action items


    idThe action item ID

    Reject Action Items

    Reject action items


    idThe action item ID.

    Complete Action Items

    Complete action items


    idThe action item ID.

    Reopen Action Items

    Reopen action items


    idThe action item ID.


    Get Assets List

    Get a list of assets in SysAid.



    A SysAid view which defines the available fields (Mobile view is called ‘SysAidMobileAssets’).

    fields List of fields to return. Comma-seperated. If sent together with the view parameter, return both view's fields together with the specified fields.
    offsetRetrieved Assets count is limited (see limit parameter). This parameter specifies the offset (start point) from which to retrieve values (e.g. 25). Defaults to 0. Zero based.
    limitThe maximum number of assets to retrieve per request. Defaults to 500 (configurable).

    A list of assets. For each asset returns the asset ID, asset name, group name and information as defined in the view and/or fields parameters. If none of them exist, return full asset information.

    Sample JSON return value for /asset?fields=computer_type,ip_address,serial&limit=2

           “info”: [{“key”:”computer_type”,”key_caption”:”Type”,  
                      {“key”:”ip_address”,”key_caption”:”IP Address”,  
                        “value”:”3PXZ15J”, “value_caption”:”3PXZ15J”}]
           “info”: [{“key”:”computer_type”,”key_caption”:”Type”,  
                      {“key”:”ip_address”,”key_caption”:”IP Address”,  
                        “value”:”4JS8L2J”, “value_caption”:”4JS8L2J”}]

    Return values definition

    idThe asset ID
    nameThe asset name
    groupThe asset’s group name
    infoAdditional asset info fields
    info.keyThe ID of the info field
    info.keyCaptionThe caption of the info field’s key
    info.valueThe field’s value
    info.valueCaptionThe fields' values' caption. A String representation of the value for display.

    Get Asset

    Get information on the specified asset.


    viewOptional: A SysAid Asset Form view that defines the available fields.
    fieldsOptional: A list of fields to return. Comma separated. If sent together with the view parameter, it returns both view's fields and the requested fields.

    The asset ID, asset name, group name, and information as defined in the view and/or fields parameters. If none of them exist, return full asset information.

    Sample JSON return value for /asset/497db453:147bee7ec09:-7ff2?fields=computer_type,ip_address,serial

           “info”: [{“key”:”computer_type”,”key_caption”:”Type”,  
                      {“key”:”ip_address”,”key_caption”:”IP Address”,  
                        “value”:”3PXZ15J”, “value_caption”:”3PXZ15J”}]

    Return values definition

    idThe asset ID
    nameThe asset name
    groupThe asset’s group name
    infoAdditional asset info fields
    info.keyThe ID of the info field
    info.keyCaptionThe caption of the info field’s key
    info.valueThe field’s value
    info.valueCaptionThe fields' values' caption. A String representation of the value for display.

    Search Asset

    Get list of assets in SysAid, that matched the search criteria


    queryThe search criteria (Required)
    viewA SysAid Asset Form view that defines the available fields.
    fieldsA list of fields to return. Comma-separated. If sent together with the view parameter, it returns both view's fields and the requested fields.
    offsetRetrieved Assets count is limited (see limit parameter). This parameter specifies the offset (start point) from which to retrieve values (e.g. 25). Defaults to 0. Zero based.
    limitThe maximum number of assets to retrieve per request. Defaults to 500 (configurable).

    A list of assets that match the search criteria. For each asset the command returns the asset ID, asset name, group name, and information as defined in the view and/or fields parameters. If none of them exist, return full asset info.

    Sample JSON return value for /asset/search?query=DW7&fields=computer_type,ip_address,serial&limit=2

    “info”: [{“key”:”computer_type”,”key_caption”:”Type”, ”value”:”Workstation”,”value_caption”:”Workstation”},
    {“key”:”ip_address”,”key_caption”:”IP Address”, “value”:””,“value_caption”:””},
    {“key”:”serial”,“key_caption”:”Serial”, “value”:”3PXZ15J”, “value_caption”:”3PXZ15J”}]

    Return values definition

    idThe asset ID
    nameThe asset name
    groupThe asset’s group name
    infoAdditional asset info fields
    info.keyThe ID of the info field
    info.keyCaptionThe caption of the info field’s key
    info.valueThe field’s value
    info.valueCaptionThe fields' values' caption. A String representation of the value for display.


    Get All Lists

    Get all available lists and their values.


    entityA SysAid entity by which to retrieve the available lists. Defaults to SR. For a list of available entities, see Appendix B.
    fieldsA comma-separated list of fields to return. Available fields to return are: id (always returned), caption, and values.
    offsetRetrieved values count is limited. This parameter specifies the offset (start point) from which to retrieve values (e.g. 25). Defaults to 0. Zero base.
    limitThe maximum number of list values to retrieve per request. Defaults to 500 (configurable).

    The available lists, including their values, per entity type. Defaults to SR.

    Sample JSON return value for list?entity=sr

     { “id”:”location”,
        “values”: [{“id”:”1”,”caption”:”Loc1”},
    { “id”:”impact”,
        “values”: [{“id”:”1”,”caption”:”Very High”},
    { “id”:”urgency”,
        “values”: [{“id”:”1”,”caption”:”Urgent”},
    { “id”:”priority”,
        “values”: [{“id”:”1”,”caption”:”Highest”},
    { “id”:”change_category”,
        “values”: [{“id”:”1”,”caption”:”Minor”},
    { “id”:”survey_status”,
        “caption”:”Survey Status”,
        “values”: [{“id”:”1”,”caption”:”Not Sent”},
    { “id”:”sr_type”,
        “caption”:”Service Record type”,
        “values”: [{“id”:”1”,”caption”:”Change”},
    { “id”:”responsibility”,
        “caption”:”Assigned to”,
        “values”: [{“id”:”3”,”caption”:”SysAid”},
    { “id”:”status”,
        “values”: [{“id”:”1”,”caption”:”Open”},
    { “id”:”company”,
        “values”: [{“id”:”1”,”caption”:”Company 1”},
                       {“id”:”2”,”caption”:”Company 2”}]
    { “id”:”department”,
        “values”: [{“id”:”1”,”caption”:”IT”},
    { “id”:”agreement”,
        “values”: [{“id”:”1”,”caption”:”DEFAULT SLA”},
                       {“id”:”2”,”caption”:”Agreement 2”}]
    { “id”:”source”,
        “values”: [{“id”:”1”,”caption”:”Administrator Portal”},
    { “id”:”cust_list1”,
        “caption”:”SR Custom list 1”,
        “values”: [{“id”:”1”,”caption”:”Cust Val 1”},
                       {“id”:”2”,”caption”:”Cust Val 2”}]
    { “id”:”cust_list2”,
        “caption”:”SR Custom list 2”,
        “values”: [{“id”:”1”,”caption”:”Cust Val 3”},
                       {“id”:”2”,”caption”:”Cust Val 4”}]

    Return values definition

    idThe list ID
    captionThe list caption
    valuesAn array of list values
    values.idThe ID of the value item
    values.captionThe caption of the value item

    Get List

    Returns the values of the specified list. Values may be filtered according to the entity (sr, asset, etc.) for which you populate the list values.


    entityA SysAid entity by which to retrieve the available lists. Defaults to SR. For a list of available entities, see Appendix B.
    entityIdThe entity's ID. For example, in SR Form lists, send the SR ID to populate additional filters on the lists. e.g. the responsibility list may be filtered by the admin group of the SR.
    fieldsA comma-separated list of fields to return. Available fields to return are: id (always returned), caption, and values.
    offsetRetrieved values count is limited. This parameter specifies the offset (start point) from which to retrieve values (e.g. 25). Defaults to 0. Zero base.
    limitThe maximum number of list values to retrieve per request. Defaults to 500 (configurable).
    entityTypeNumeric. for example: in sr entity, send the sr_type id, for ci entity, send the ci type id ( e.g. for getting the list of CI sub types).
    keyRelevant for users/groups related fields. Defines whether to use the id or the name as the key for each value in the result. Available values are “name” or “id”. Defaults to id.

    The available lists, including their values, per entity type. Defaults to SR.

    Sample JSON return value for list/responsibility?entity=sr&entityid=6

    { “id”:”priority”,
    “values”: [{“id”:”1”,”caption”:”Highest”},

    Return values definition

    idThe list ID
    captionThe list caption
    valuesAn array of list values
    values.idThe ID of the value item
    values.captionThe caption of the value item


    List application add-ons

    Get a list of all available add-ons.


    This API doesn’t receive any parameters.

    Return a list of available add-ons.

    Sample JSON return value for add-ons

       "name": "sage",
       "title": "Sage ERP X3",
        "description": "The Sage Identity Management System(AIMS) Ticketing Integration app allows AIMS to create, update and automate",
       "logoFileName": "images/bomgarLogo.png",
       "version": 1,
       "addonType": "Remote Control",
       "link": "",
       "linkText": "Sage installation instructions",
       "active": false,
       “implemented”: true,
       “params”: null

    Return values definition

    nameThe name of the add-on
    titleThe title of the add-on
    descriptionA short description of the add-on
    logoFileNameA relative URL to a small logo image of the add-on
    versionThe add-on version
    addonTypeA string representing the add-on category/group
    linkLink for getting more information about this add-on
    linkTextOptional: A text to be displayed to the user when the above link is displayed.
    activeIs this add-on active (true/false)?
    implementedIs this add-on have a packed implementation? (add-ons that are not implemented are delivered through the PS)
    paramsAlways null when receiving a list of add-ons

    Get add-on parameters

    Returns the full information about an addon with all it’s parameters.


    add-on nameThe name of the add-on

    The add-on with all its parameters.

    Sample JSON return value for /addons/bomgar

       "name": "bomgar",
       "title": "Bomgar",
       "description": "Bomgar i a provider of secure remote support solutions that enable technology professionals",
       "logoFileName": "addons/bomgar/images/bomgarLogo.png",
       "version": 1,
       "addonType": "Remote Control",
       "link": "",
       "linkText": "",
       "active": true,
       "implemented": true,
       "params": [
               "name": "bomgar_url",
               "description": "Bomgar RC integraton URL",
               "value": "",
               "type": "text",
               "mandatory": true,
               "editable": true,
               "encrypted": false
               "name": "bomgar_user_name",
               "description": "Bomgar User Name",
               "value": “MyBomgarUserName”,
               "type": "text",
               "mandatory": true,
               "editable": true,
               "encrypted": false
               "name": "bomgar_password",
               "description": "Bomgar Password",
               "value": “MyPassword”,
               "type": "text",
               "mandatory": true,
               "editable": true,
               "encrypted": true

    Return values definition

    nameThe name of the add-on
    titleThe title of the add-on
    descriptionA short description of the add-on
    logoFileNameA relative URL to a small logo image of the addon
    versionThe version of the add-on
    adonTypeA string representing the add-on category/group
    linkLink for getting more information about this add-on
    linkTextA text that needs to be displayed to the user when the above link is displayed (Optional)
    activeIs this add-on active (true/false)?
    implementedDoes this add-on have a packed implementation (add-ons that are not implemented are delivered through the PS)?
    paramsAn array list of parameters
    params.nameThe name of the parameter
    params.descriptionA description of the parameter
    params.valueThe value of the parameter
    params.typeThe parameter type
    params.mandatoryIs this a mandatory parameter?
    params.editableCan the user edit the value of this parameter?
    params.encryptedShould the display of this parameter value act like a password field (show to the user starts instead of real value)

    Update add-on parameters

    Update an add-on parameters


    addon nameThe name of the add-on


    A JSON string representing the add-on parameters with the update values. The list below will contain only the fields that can be updated. Any changes to other fields are ignored.

    activeIs this addon active (true/false)
    params.valueThe updated parameter value

    Sample JSON input /addon/bomgar, update the user name and password fields

       "name": "bomgar",
       "active": true,
       "params": [
               "name": "bomgar_url",
               "value": "",
               "name": "bomgar_user_name",
               "value": "MyUserName",
               "name": "bomgar_password",
               "value": "MyPassword",

    New http header with success message or error text.

    Test add-on connection

    Test the add-on parameters.


    addon nameThe name of the addon

    A JSON string representing the add-on parameters to test. The list below will contain only the fields that can be checked. Any changes to other fields are ignored.

    activeIs this add-on active (true/false)
    params.valueThe updated parameter value

    Sample JSON input /addon/bomgar/testConnection, test the parameters for bomgar addon

       "name": "bomgar",
       "active": true,
       "params": [
               "name": "bomgar_url",
               "value": "",
               "name": "bomgar_user_name",
               "value": "MyUserName",
               "name": "bomgar_password",
               "value": "MyPassword",

    New http header with success message or error text.

    Refresh Add-ons List

    Refresh the addons list immediately.



    Upon successful refresh return a message and a success status.


    Create CI

    Create a CI


    A JSON string representing the CI with the updated fields only.

    infoCI’s updated information fields. An array of key-value fields
    info.keyThe id of the information field
    info.valueThe field's value

    Sample JSON post params for POST/ci

       "info": [
                {"key":"ci_name","value":"Test CI from api 1"},
                {"key":"ci_type", "value":"69"},
                {"key":"company", "value":"3"},
                {"key":"ci_cust_text_1","value":"test short text entry"},
                {"key":"ci_cust_date_1", "value":"1636282614000"}

    Get CI List/Form

    Returns a list of CIs that can be filtered by the available filters.
    The Number of CIs to return can be controlled by the Offset and Limit parameters.

    Returned CIs can be filtered.

    Each CI Includes the fields according to the View and Fields parameters. If none are specified, all CI fields are returned.


    viewA SysAid view which defines the available fields in the list. If view is not specified, check for the fields parameter. If none is specified, returns all fields.
    fieldsList of fields to return. If specified together with the view parameret, return all view's fields together with the specified fields. If none are specified, return all CI fields.
    offsetCI count is limited (see limit parameter). This parameter specifies the offset (start point) from which to retrieve values (e.g. 25). Defaults to 0.
    limitThe maximum number of CIs to retrieve per request. Defaults to 500 results (configurable under serverConf>apiConf>maxChunkSize).
    idsThe list of CI IDs to return, comma separated.
    sortOne or more fields to sort by,  from the fields that were fetched by the request.
    dirSort order: ascending or descending. Available values: asc/desc. Default is ‘asc’.  Relevant only when sort parameter is sent.

    List of key-value parameters with {} as the key. and {} as the value.
    I.e.: …&status=19&request_user=235.

    Multiple values can be sent, comma-separated. I.e.: …&status=4,5
    supportBarcodeFlag to indicate that the CI supports barcodes.
    • User-related fields return the user’s ID, for additional user information, call user service.
    • Dates should be sent as milliseconds in UTC/GMT (since January 1, 1970).
    • In case of a specific date match, send only this date. For example:
      • Match a date: &due_date=1398935657000
    • If a range of dates or from/to is required, send a 2-objects array of dates. If one of them is not available, set to 0. For example:
      • Between dates: &due_date=1398935657000,1399313657000
      • From date: &due_date=1398935657000,0
      • To date: &due_date=0,1399313657000

    A list of CIs. For each CI, an ID is returned with the info fields defined in the view and/or fields parameters. If no fields are specified, it returns the full CI information.

    Sample JSON return value for /ci/barcode?view=SysAidMobile&fields=ci_name,location&limit=2


    Return values definition

    idThe user ID
    infoCI fields. An array of key-value fields, representing the CI information
    info.keyThe ID of the info field
    info.keyCaptionThe caption of the info field’s key
    info.valueThe field’s value
    info.valueCaptionThe field value’s caption. A string representation of the value for display.


    A boolean that specifies whether this field is mandatory
    info.editableA boolean that specifies whether this field is editable or read only
    info.defaultValueThe default value for this field is not available (null)
    info.typeThe field’s type. See available field types in Appendix A.

    Update CI

    Update a CI.


    idThe CI ID

    A JSON string representing the CI with the updated fields only.

    idThe user ID
    infoCI’s updated info fields. An array of key-value fields.
    info.keyThe id of the info field
    info.valueThe field’s value

    Sample JSON input /ci/273, update the status, change owner & accept date

      “info”: [{“key”:”accept_date”, ”value”:1391756438000},
                {“key”:”status”, ”value”:2},

    Get CI Types

    Returns the available CI types.
    If the barcode flag is requested, returns only CI types with barcode support (if the add-on is available).


    barcodeWhether to retrieve only CI types with barcode support. Available options: true/false.

    A list of CI types. Each type includes its ID, name, description, and whether the type is predefined.

    Sample JSON return value for ci/type

           “predefined”: “true”
           “description”:”System Asset
           “predefined”: “true”
           “name”:”Business Process”,
           “predefined”: “false”
           “description”:”System Asset Catalog”,
           “predefined”: “true”
           “name”:”End User”,
           “predefined”: “true”

    Return values definition

    idThe CI type ID
    nameThe CI type name
    descriptionsThe CI type description
    predefinedWhether the CI type is predefined

    Get CI View

    Returns the fields contained in the specified view.


    viewThe name of the view to retrieve.  A combination of view name and CI type id will determine the fields that will be returned.

    A list of fields with the requested view.


    The returned list always contains the ID field. If the ID field is a part of the view, it appears in its correct place. If it isn’t a part of the view then it appears at the end of the list.

    Sample JSON return value for /ci/view/180?view=barcode_book

           "key": "ci_type",
           "value": null,
           "mandatory": false,
           "editable": false,
           "type": "list",
           "defaultValue": null,
           "displayOrder": 1,
           "keyCaption": "CI Type",
           "valueCaption": null
           "key": "owner",
           "value": null,
           "mandatory": false,
           "editable": true,
           "type": "list",
           "defaultValue": null,
           "displayOrder": 2,
           "keyCaption": "Owner",
           "valueCaption": null
           "key": "id",
           "value": null,
           "mandatory": false,
           "editable": true,
           "type": "numeric",
           "defaultValue": null,
           "displayOrder": 14,
           "keyCaption": "#",
           "valueCaption": null

    Return values definition

    keyThe ID of the info field
    keyCaptionThe caption of the info field’s key
    valueThe field’s value
    valueCaptionThe field values' caption. A string representation of the value for display.
    mandatoryA boolean that specifies whether this field is mandatory
    editableA boolean that specifies whether this field is editable or read-only
    defaultValueThe default value for this field if value is not available (null)
    typeThe field’s type. See available field types in Appendix A.

    Get CI Relation Types

    An API for retrieving CI relation type definitions.

    Returns all the valid CI relation types defined in SysAid database and their ID numbers.


    A returned CI relation type element uniquely identified by the “relationTypeId” field.

    Sample JSON return value for ci/relationtypes

        "relationTypeId": 5,
        "relationName": "Accessed by",
        "oppositeRelationName": "Can access"
        "relationTypeId": 4,
        "relationName": "Connected to",
        "oppositeRelationName": "Connected to"

    Return values definition

    relationTypeIdThe CI Relation Type ID
    relationNameTextual description of the CI relation type
    oppositeRelationNameTextual description of the way the given CI relation type is presented from the destination CI’s point of view (a textual description of another CI relation type that exists in the SysAid system)

    Get CI Relation

    An API to retrieve all the destination CIs and their relation types, which are associated to a given CI Id.

    Returns a list that contains all the destination CI and their prospective CI relationship types associated to the CI ID.

    Sample JSON return value for /ci/9/relation

          "src": 9,
          "dest": 1,
          "ciRelationType": 2
         "src": 9,
         "dest": 2,
         "ciRelationType": 3
        "src": 9,
        "dest": 5,
        "ciRelationType": 5

    Return values definition

    srcThe source CI ID (the same as the CI ID passed by the Path Parameter call of the API)
    destThe target CI ID that the CI ID is associated to
    ciRelationTypeThe CI Relationship Type ID that describes the Source CI’s association to the destination CI ID

    Create CI Relations

    API for creating one or more relations for a given CI ID.


    An array of one or more objects comprising of the following fields in each element

    destThe CI ID of a pre-existing Ci in the system that the CI ID needs to be associated to
    ciRelationTypeThe CI relation type that describes this CI’s association with the destination CI ID (must be a valid CI relation type ID - use Get Ci/Relationtypes API to retrieve the available relation types in the system

    OK if all relations in the list have been generated successfully, or if the relations already exist in the system (does not generate duplicates in the database)
    An exception is thrown, containing a parsable (.csv format) string of the relations in the list that failed the creation process.

    Sample JSON post params for /ci/9/relation


    Sample error message for a partially failed list

     "status": 400,
     "message": "Ci:9 Invalid CI id 100,Ci:9 Invalid CI Relation type 11"

    Delete CI Relations

    API for deleting one or more relations for a given CI ID.


    An array of one or more objects comprising of the following fields in each element

    destThe CI ID of a pre-existing Ci in the system that the CI ID needs to be associated to
    ciRelationTypeThe CI relation type that describes this CI’s association with the destination CI ID (must be a valid CI relation type ID - use Get Ci/Relationtypes API to retrieve the available relation types in the system

    Always Returns OK (unless the user is not logged in or is not authorized to perform the call), even if non-existent CI relations or CI destinations were passed to the API

    Sample JSON post params for /ci/9/relation


    Resource Bundle

    Get RB Translated Keys

    Get array of translated keys according to the account location.



    A JSON string representing array of Resource Bundle keys.

    keyResource Bundle key

    Sample JSONinput /rb


    A list of translated keys.

    Sample JSON return value for /rb

         key: "dir"
         value: "LTR"

    Return values definition

    keyResource Bundle key
    valueThe value according to the account's location.

    Get RB Translated Keys With Given Location

    Get array of translated keys according to the given location.


     localeThe location to display the translated keys.

    A JSON string representing array of Resource Bundle keys.

    keyResource Bundle key

    Sample JSON input /rb


    A list of translated keys.

    Sample JSONreturn value for /rb/{locale}

        key: "dir"
        value: "LTR"

    Return values definition

    keyResource Bundle key.
    valueThe value according the given location in the path.

    Password Services

    Get LDAP Domains

    Get LDAP domains.





    A list of LDAP domains.

    Sample JSON return value for /ps/domain


    Return values definition
    List of domains as an array of strings.

    Get Password Services Permission

    Retrieves a llist all Password Services permissions.





    JSON representing Password Services permission.

    Sample JSON return value for /ps/permission

    enableUserSelfServices: true
    enableUnlockAccount: true
    enableResetPassword: true
    enableLdapSupport: true
    enableUserReset: false

    Return values definition

    enableUserSelfServicesTrue - if the PS module is enabled.
    enableUnlockAccountTrue - if the Unlock Account is enabled.
    enableResetPasswordTrue - if the Reset Password is enabled.
    enableLdapSupportTrue - if we have LDAP support.
    enableUserResetTrue - if the reset password method is “user”.

    Get Security Question

    Get a list of all security questions for a given user.



    A JSON string representing the userName and domain name.

    userNameuserName in the system
    domainNameuser’s domain

    JSON representing Security Questions object.

    Sample JSON return value for /ps/reset/question

       "userRefId": 842,
       "userId": "QA-LAB\\test11",
       "userSecurityQuestionsList": [
               "id": 1,
               "question": "In which city were you born?"
               "id": 2,
               "question": "In which state were you born?"
           enableCaptcha: true

    Return values definition

    userRefIdAuto generated from system per user.
    userSecurityQuestionsListArray of objects represent questions.
    userSecurityQuestionsList.idQuestion ID
    userSecurityQuestionsList.questionQuestion to display the user.

    Unlock Account

    Unlock an account for a specific user upon answering security questions.



    A JSON string representing the user’s answers.

    userRefIdFetch in the previous step
    userSecurityQuestionsListAn array of the user’s questions
    userSecurityQuestionsList.idQuestion ID

    JSON representing unlock action response.

    Sample JSON return value for /ps/unlock

       “actionMessage” : Unlock user account succeeded! \\n Please use your current password to login

    Return values definition

    actionMessageSuccess message to the user

    Reset password

    Reset a user's password upon answering security questions.



    A JSON string representing the user’s answers.

    userRefIdFetch in the previous step
    userSecurityQuestionsListAn array of the user’s questions
    userSecurityQuestionsList.idQuestion ID

    JSON representing the reset action response.

    Sample JSON return value for /ps/reset/ with reset method = “email”

       "actionMessage": "Reset user password succeeded!\\nWithin the next few moments, you will receive an email with your new temporary password.\\nThis password is only valid for 20 minutes, so please log in with it immediately.\\nUpon login, you will be asked to choose a new, permanent password.",
       "settings": {
           "temporaryPasswordValidity": 20,
           "resetPasswordMethod": "email"

    Return values definition

    actionMessageSuccess Message to the user
    settingsPassword services settings object
    settings.temporaryPasswordValidityPassword expiration in minutes
    settings.resetPasswordMethodReset password method(email/sms/user)

    Sample JSON return value for /ps/reset with reset method = “user”

       "policy": {
           "complexity": true,
           "minLength": 7,
           "historyLength": 24
       "token": "9f5641643c7f49b9920823ba18381a05"

    Return values definition

    policyPassword Services policy
    policy.complexityTrue - if the policy enforce password complexity
    policy.minLengthPassword minimum length
    policy.historyLengthPassword history
    tokenOne time token

    Update Password

    Manually update a user's password upon verifying the user's token



    A JSON string representing update password request object.

    userRefIdFetch in the previous step
    newPasswordNew password for the user
    tokenFetch from the previous step

    JSON representing the Update Password action response.

    Sample JSON return value for /ps/reset/update

    actionMessage: "Reset user password succeeded!"

    Return values definition

    actionMessageSuccess Message to the user.

    Non-Resource scenarios

    API calls that send a response that's not necessarily a resource.

    Download File

    Download a file from the server. For example: download a user’s photo.


    fileThe URL of the file


    Sample JSON return value for /users/1?view=Mobile


    Return values definition


    Translate Key

    Translate a key for display in the specified language.


    keyThe key of the String, as defined in the sysaid resources file
    languageThe required language

    The translated string.

    Sample JSON return value for a file


    Return values definition

    keyThe requested key for translation
    valueThe translated string

    What's Next