List Views
    • 16 May 2024
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    List Views

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    Article summary


    A View in SysAid controls which fields and filters you see on a list. Creating different views allows you to change which fields and filters appear. For example, you can create a view specifically for printing that contains only the fields you want in your printout. Each view has a name and is easily selected from the View drop-down menu located at the top of the page (to the right of the icons).

    Because you use SysAid for various use-cases, you will need to have different list views readily available without needing to customize the desired view each time. Furthermore, only SysAid administrators can customize views, but any administrator might need to change views. For those reasons, you can create and customize as many different list views as you like.

    Some views, such as the EndUser view, come predefined with SysAid. The EndUser view, for example, controls the list end users see when viewing their service records from the End-User Portal. Predefined views are visible only to administrators with the SysAid Administrator privilege and cannot be deleted.

    You may select a view by clicking the name of the view on the top menu bar. This opens a list of views available for the current list. Select the desired view, and click Apply.

    Note: Many lists in SysAid have been redesigned, and you may now change the view for these lists by selecting the desired view from the View drop-down list.

    “Customize List” Form

    To create or edit a new view, click the View dropdown Field on the upper menu bar.

    Click on Customize View, which will open the Customize List screen will open.

    The view you see when you open the Customize List page is your currently active view.


    1. Open the Customize List page by clicking on the customize list icon SharedimagesCustomizeList.jpg

    2. Decide how your view will look by following the instructions in sections 1 and 2 above.

    3. Click the radio button Please enter a name for the new view .

    4. Enter a name for the new view.

    5. Click Save.


    1. Open the Customize List page.

    2. Decide how your view will look by following the instructions in sections 1 and 2 above.

    3. Verify that the radio button next to Existing view is selected, and verify also that the view you would like to modify is selected in the drop-down list.

    4. Click Save.


    1. Open the Customize List page.

    2. Select the view you would like to delete in the Existing view drop-down list.

    3. Click Delete view.

    4. Click Save.

    Please be warned that a deleted view cannot be recovered! The Default view cannot be deleted.

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