Service Records
    • 11 Apr 2024
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    Service Records

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    Article summary

    Take a deep dive into any Service Record’s history and context — filter through its Journey and perform resolution actions intuitively and collaboratively.

    Request Users create and fill out Service Record Forms to record an Incident, Change, Problem or Request and submit it for Resolution.

    Admins read and/or manage the submitted Service Records, and delve into their activity history and completed form.

    Service Record Forms can be created based on Templates created in the Template Designer or based on out-of-the-box templates.


    • End users can create and submit Service Records

    • Admins with “Read” permissions can view Service Records

    • Admins with “Edit” permissions can manage Service Records

    This document describes the basic anatomy of Service Records and the role they serve in the Resolution process.

    Service Record Types

    • Incident

    Unplanned event or malfunction that disrupts your work process or service capabilities, such as an application not responding or a problem with a laptop

    • Change

    A ddition, modification or removal of an authorized planned, or supported service or service component 

    • Problem

    Cause or potential cause of one or more Incidents

    • Request

    User asks something of the IT department – unrelated to a component failure or error, i.e permission to access a server

    Service Record Layout

    Service Records are composed of two main sections:

    Service Record Details (Admins & End Users)

    Resolution Panel (Admins only)

    Service Record Details

    The Service Record Details section (pictured above) contains the following three Sections:

    Service Record Header

    The Service Record Header contains all Service Record metadata Fields, which include:

    • Service Record Type

    • Service Record ID

    • Service Record Title

    • Priority

    • Categories

    • Status

    • Assignee

    • Share button (Service Record link)

    • Delete button (Trash icon)

    User Information

    The User Information section contains all Fields representing user-related information

    • Submit User

    • Request User

    • Submit Time

    • Department

    • Main Asset

    • Location

    • Main CI

    [Service Record Type] Information

    • Impact

    • Due Date

    • Urgency

    • Agreement


    The Details section contains the “Description” Field; a free-form Field that can be filled out using its Rich Text Editor.

    End User-facing Service Records

    End users can submit Service Records (Incidents & Requests) from the following sources:

    • Self-Service Portal

    • Email (including updating emails)

    • Reminders

    • Monitoring Notifications

    • Password Services Notification

    • Agent Hotkey

    • AI Chatbot (SysAid Copilot license only)

    • AI Emailbot (SysAid Copilot license only)

    Admin-facing Service Records

    Admins that read or manage Service Records have access to the Service Record Panel, the Journey, and the Resolution Panel (edit permissions only). The Service Record Panel contains all Service Record Form Fields that can be filled out by users or auto populated by the system.

    Admins can create and submit Service Records from the Admin Portal.

    Resolution Panel

    The Resolution Panel holds the history and assets of the Service Record and serves as the starting point for initiating communications and actions.

    The Resolution Panel is comprised of three main components:

    • Journey tab

    • Attachments tab

    • Toolbar

    Journey tab

    The Journey tab is an actionable audit log of all Service Record Events. 

    The Journey can be searched, filtered, and displayed in a variety of preconfigured Modes:

    • Highlights (the Journey’s default view)

    • Full Journey

    • Audit Log

    • Activities

    Each Event specifies who executed it and when it took place.

    Attachments tab

    The Attachments tab shows a gallery view that displays each Attachment with its respective file details.

    The Attachments tab can be searched, filtered, and sorted according to various values; further information on these values can be found here.


    The Toolbar is a fixed element within the Resolution Panel ; only visible to Admins with Edit permissions.

    The Toolbar contains the four key actions items that an Admin can perform:

    • Add a Note

    • Send a Message

    • Add an Attachment

    • Add a Resolution

    Adding Notes

    Notes can also be added to the Journey using the Next action line (beneath the most recent Event in the Journey).