    • 10 Oct 2024
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    Article summary

    An actionable audit log of all Service Record activity — where Admins track and manage each Service Record’s Resolution process.


    • Admins with Edit permissions can perform actions in the Journey

    • Admins with Read permissions can view the Journey

    This document describes the Journey’s layout, modes, and in-line action options.

    Journey Layout

    The Journey tab of the Service Record includes a timeline of every event and change, including: 

    • Description

    • Any File Attachments

    • Metadata:

      • The user who performed the Event or Change

      • The date and time of every Event or Change


    • Automated actions are indicated by a bird icon

    • The Next action line doesn’t appear for users with Read Only permissions

    • Date and Time formats are defined by Users’ Settings for Time Zone and Date Input Style

    Journey Filters

    You can view the Journey within any of the following filters:

    You also can toggle between a fully expanded view, showing every message and note, or a collapsed view, which displays only highlighted entries. The system will remember your preference and apply it across page refreshes and logins.


     Highlights are the Journey’s default filter, listing:

    • All Attachment uploads 

    • Notes

    • Messages

    • Status changes

    • Assignment changes

    • Resolution details

    • Ticket conversion

    Full Journey

    Full Journey displays all Journey Events (showing any change or action that occurred in the Service Record).


    Activities displays:

    • Notes

    • Messages

    • Resolution information

    Audit Log

    Audit Log displays all Field changes that occur in the Service Record.

    Journey Actions

    You can perform the following in-line actions within the Journey:

    • Notes

      • Write a Note

      • Edit a Note

      • Delete a Note

    • Messages

      • Reply to a Message

      • Forward a Message

    • Attachments

      • View or download an Attachment

      • Upload an Attachment

      • Delete an Attachment

    • Resolution

      • Edit a Resolution Card

      • Delete a Resolution Card