Customize List Form
    • 16 May 2024
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    Customize List Form

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    Article summary


    The customize list page has three functions:

    1. Choose which fields show up in your lists and in which order.

    2. Choose which drop-down filters show up in your lists and in which order.

    3. Create and manage additional list views

    You can customize Lists using the Customize List page using several methods:

    • Clicking the SharedimagesCustomizeViewiconCustomizeViewicon2.jpgfrom any list in SysAid which does not have the upper form icons

    • Clicking on the customize list icon SharedimagesCustomizeList-Project-icon.jpgfrom a few lists in SysAid which has the upper form icons

    • Customizing the Project List

    • Customizing the Asset List

    Project Lists


    Asset List
