Tags for SysAid Notifications in Microsoft Teams
    • 01 Feb 2023
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    Tags for SysAid Notifications in Microsoft Teams

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    Article summary

    In the tables below is the full list of tags for ticket notifications in Microsoft Teams and their meaning in SysAid. 

    Tags are case-sensitive. 

    Tags for use in AI Service Desk notifications

    Tag IDDescription
    ${sr.getAssignedTo()}This is the administrator who the SR is assigned to. Displays the contents of the First Name and Last Name fields
    ${sr.getTitle()}This is the title of the service record
    ${sr.getAsset().getComputerName()}This is the name of the asset attached to the service record
    ${sr.getCategory()}This is the top level category of the service record
    ${sr.getSubCategory()}This is the sub category of the service record
    ${sr.getThirdLevelCategory()}This is the third level category of the service record
    ${sr.getCloseTime()}This is the time the service record was closed
    ${sr.getCustDate1()}Displays the contents of custom date field 1
    ${sr.getCustDate2()}Displays the contents of custom date field 2


    This is the service record's description
    ${sr.getId()}This is the service record number
    ${sr.getInsertTime()}Time the service record was submitted
    ${sr.getNotes()}Displays the contents of the notes field
    ${sr.getPriority()}Shows the priority of the service record
    ${sr.getUrgency()}Shows the urgency of the service record
    ${sr.getStatus()}Shows the status of the service record


    This is the sub type of the service record
    ${sr.getResolution()}Displays the contents of the resolution field
    ${sr.getSolution()}Displays the contents of the solution field
    ${sr.getSubmitUser()}This is the user who submitted the service record


    This is the group the service record has been assigned to
    ${sr.getUpdateTime()}This is the time the service record was last modified
    ${sr.getLocation()}Shows the contents of the location field
    ${sr.getRequestUser()}Shows the request user's username
    ${sr.getAssignedTo()}This is the administrator the service record is assigned to
    ${sr.getResponsibleManager()}This is the service record's responsible admin
    ${sr.getCustList1()}Shows the contents of custom list 1 for this service record
    ${sr.getCustList2()}Shows the contents of custom list 2 for this service record
    ${sr.getCustNotes()}SR Custom Notes
    ${sr.getCustInt1()}SR Custom Int 1
    ${sr.getCustInt2()}SR Custom Int 2

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