    • 16 Feb 2023
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    Article summary

    GA - February 7, 2023


    Three new Dashboard Charts for Action Items

    Enjoy the three new Action Items charts, available in Settings > Advanced Reporting.

    Action Items Overview

    Admins can keep better track of their Workflow tasks with this new chart type; added to the list of options for out-of-the-box charts. 

    Action Items by Category

    Admins can keep better track of their Workflow tasks with the new Action Items by Category Dashboard chart; added to the list of options for out-of-the-box list of charts.  This chart allows admins to monitor which Categories are most used for Workflow Action Items.

    Open Action Items

    Admins can keep better track of their Workflow tasks with the new Open Action Items Dashboard chart added to the out-of-the-box list of charts.  This chart allows admins to monitor the number of active Action Items in their accounts. Admins can filter the Action Items by, Category, Type, and other criteria that best meet their specific needs.

    Service Record Actions List View Improved

    Admins can keep better track of their workflow tasks also in list format. Added a new view to the Service Records Actions list called Dashboard, which directly correlates with the new Action Items charts. In addition, 3 columns are now available from this list view: Service Record Type, Category & Sub-Category.

    New and Advanced Linux Agent for Leading Distributions

    We now support RPM distribution for Linux. The new RPM agent, is an application, installed on the asset, supporting the following Linux distributions: RedHat (RHEL), Debian, and Ubuntu. 

    The RPM agent includes enhanced functionality: Improved inventory capabilities, monitoring, auto upgrading, controlling the agent setting remotely, and troubleshooting.

    Query Builder: Low-code Configurability of Date Filters

    Admins can now choose from a simple dropdown list of pre-defined time periods in the query builder. Available on list filters related to all entities across SysAid.  

    Edit User Group Page Improved

    The edit page for User Groups has been improved, sectioning the information and actions into three tabs: General, Members, and Permissions, as well as adding the options to delete or duplicate groups.

    Features and Bugs


    Fixed a bug that prevented the "in-reply-to" functionality from working as expected when OAuth 2.0 protocol was used in email integration.

    This fix resolved a highly problematic issue: tickets were repeatedly duplicated when users CCed an integrated email address on a "reply to" email thread related to a ticket.

    Email Integration
    23347Fixed a bug that caused emails with file(s) larger than 3MB to fail, when using O365 Email Integration with OAuth 2.0.Email Integration
    14730Fixed a bug that prevented SysAid from running Password Services on an asset after an agent upgrade. Learn more about Password Services self-resolution capabilities here.Password Services
    15004Fixed a bug that prevented admins from initiating a chat with online users.Chat
    15151Fixed a bug that caused the value entered in one of the Asset Custom Date fields to override the other Asset Custom Date field's value.Asset Management
    16753Fixed a bug that prevented the Asset List from sorting assets by the "Last Access Time" column.Asset Management

    Admins can now choose from a simple dropdown list of pre-defined time periods in the query builder, instead of choosing Start and End dates;

    - This is available on List filters related to all entities across SysAid.

    - This saves admins time and requires low effort to set up as no code is required.

    16785Upgraded the Patch Management implementation to Apache HTTPD version 2.4.53 to prevent vulnerability errors.Patch Management
    20942Upgraded to the latest version (1.10.0) of JAR to fix Apache Commons Text vulnerability. This covers CVE-2022-42889.Security

    Tightened security around logging into SysAid without using an email address via ADFS Single Sign-On (SSO).

    Third-Party Integrations
    18837Fixed a bug that caused the “Open service records by month” chart to show information in weeks instead of months.Dashboards

    15712 & 52960

    Reports generated in Excel are now exported in XLSX format to support extra large files and for better overall experience.Analytics

    The Ticket ID numbers listed in reports exported to CSV files no longer include a comma (e.g. "232568" instead of "232,568").

    This applies to all reports within the system, but not to other exports.


    Admins can now filter List Views and Dashboards by relational list fields, giving you flexibility to view the unique information important to your organization and for your work.


    Fixed a bug that prevented the Service Record Actions list from displaying the value of custom relational list fields.


    20077 & 21356

    Fixed a bug that prevented SysAid from displaying values of custom text fields and custom text area fields when added as columns in List Views.


    Fixed a bug that caused SysAid to populate action item fields automatically with a relational field’s numeric key value instead of its caption value.

    Service Desk

    Fixed a bug that caused SysAid to revert a company field in an action item back to ‘None’ once the action item had been completed.

    Service Desk

    Fixed a bug that caused the Admin Group drop-down list on Action Items to appear empty.

    Service Desk

    Fixed a bug that prevented SysAid from displaying a visual indication (*) for required fields in the template and sub-type forms.

    Service Desk

    New Dashboard chart available in the Advanced Reporting Settings > Action Items Overview that enables monitoring Action Items per specific need (per status, type, assignee etc.). 


    New Dashboard chart available in the Advanced Reporting Settings > Action Items by Category. This chart displays workflow Action Items, grouped by the most used Categories.


    New Dashboard chart available in the Advanced Reporting Settings > Open Action Items.

    This chart allows admins to monitor how many Action Items are active in their accounts. 



    Fixed a bug that prevented Dashboard charts from displaying usernames according to the format defined for the account.


    Fixed a bug that caused Dashboard charts that contained no data to display a “No Data” message instead of an empty chart.


    Fixed a bug that prevented admins from exporting BI Analytics sheets to PDF.

    16956Support for SR IDs with more than 7 digits in report "Track SR Field Changes".     Analytics

    We now support RPM distribution for Linux. The new RPM agent is an application installed on the agent, which can be also installed on RPM distributions (RedHat/CentOS/Fedora), in addition to Debian/Ubuntu.

    Read here for more information.


    Fixed a bug that caused the SysAid agent to stop running when containing an invalid BIOS serial number.


    Increased flexibility for configuring the Patch Management reboot policy; When choosing “Let Users Decide”, admins can select if to include the allow “Don’t Bother Me Again” option for end-users.

    Patch Management

    Fixed a bug that sometimes allowed admins to create end users, even though they didn’t have the “Manage End Users & Companies” permission.

     User Management

    Fixed a bug that prevented videos and images recorded using the agent hotkey from being automatically added to the corresponding ticket when the account was integrated with O365 and Azure.

    Self-Service Portal

    Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented users from submitting a ticket in the Self-Service Portal.

    Self-Service Portal
    18871Fixed a bug that prevented the Self-Service Portal ticket scoreboard from applying Filters to tickets displayed in the Workflow Actions tab. This occurred when a group was assigned an action item but not to any specific users.Self-Service Portal

    Increased security by masking the secret key on the Azure Add-on integration page.

    Third-Party Integrations

    Fixed a bug that prevented users associated to 100 or more groups in Azure AD to be associated with all relevant groups in SysAid.

    Third-Party Integrations

    Fixed a bug that caused Jira Integration to time out when the SysAid ticket's connected Jira issue was part of a Jira environment containing thousands of issues.

    Third-Party Integrations 

    Fixed a bug that caused timeouts during the saving of tickets linked to Jira issues.

    Third-Party Integrations

    Increased security around logging into SysAid without using an email address via ADFS Single Sign-On.


    Increased security around access to SysAid's GraphQL scheme. This addresses CVE-2021-41249.


    Increased security against potential XSS and SQL injection attacks. 


    Increased user passwords security. 


    Increased security against potential XSS attacks in the Password Services Module. 


    Increased security for SysAid login around password validation and Captcha display.


    Upgraded to the latest version (1.10.0) of JAR to fix Apache Commons Text vulnerability. This addresses CVE-2022-42889.


    Upgraded the Patch Management implementation to Apache HTTPD version 2.4.53 to prevent vulnerability errors.

    Patch Management


    Added validation of file types when attachments are uploaded to SysAid via Chat.


    Increased security against potential XSS attacks in the Password Services Module.


    Increased security against potential XSS attacks around SAML responses from a variety of Add-ons, such as Office 365 SSO. 



    In the Agent Settings Policy, disabling the checkbox for Enable Remote Control now also refrains from installing it on connected Windows assets, instead of only disabling the functionality. 

    For more advanced remote control capabilities and experience check out our TeamViewer embedded service.

    SysAid Agent

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