    • 16 Feb 2023
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    Article summary

    GA - September 4, 2022


    New chart type was added to the out-of-the-box list of charts, available in the Advanced Reporting section in Settings called Action Items Overview.

    Helping admins keep track of their workflow tasks.

    In addition, we added 3 new columns to the Service Records Actions list view:

    • Service Record Type 
    • Category
    • Sub Category

    And a new default view named Dashboard, which directly correlates with the new chart type Action Items Overview.

    Features and Bugs


    New chart type available in the Advanced Reporting Settings - Action Items Overview


    Fixed a bug that prevented users associated with 100 or more groups in Azure AD to be associated with all relevant groups in SysAid

    Third-Party Integrations
    14726Fixed a bug that caused Jira integration to timeout when the Jira issue that was connected to the SysAid ticket was part of a Jira environment containing thousands of issues.
    Third-Party Integrations

    What's Next