    • 28 Jul 2022
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    Article summary

    January 31, 2022

    Feature Requests

    63023The Dependencies tab in SysAid Workflow Designer allows admins to easily create dependencies between action items, edit or delete existing dependencies, and add conditions to dependencies.Service Desk
    62628The Service Catalog (now available by default) provides your end users with quick access to various services, functions, and resources in the Self-Service Portal. This simplifies the experience for the end users, making it easier for them to locate and make use of the available services.Self-Service Portal
    52231Admins can configure email integration to automatically remove email signature images so they do not appear as attachments in the generated ticket.Email Integration
    62226Admins can filter which Chromebook devices are imported via the Chromebooks integration.Third-Party Integration
    62284SysAid’s SolarWinds integration now supports scripts written in Python in addition to VBScript.Third-Party Integration
    52717End users can export the ticket list to PDF or Excel from the Self-Service Portal scoreboard.Self-Service Portal
    61271Admins can set escalation rules to trigger every time a ticket is updated or when a ticket is created.Help Desk
    64094SysAid’s Azure integration supports multiple tenants.Third-Party Integration
    51422Admins can change the order in which SysAid processes routing rules.Help Desk
    58598The OWA protocol, which Microsoft no longer supports, has been removed from incoming email integration and calendar sync. Accounts that are using OWA will automatically be migrated to the Basic Microsoft protocol (formerly known as ‘EWS’) for email integration and calendar sync.
    We recommend that customers move to the more advanced OAuth 2.0 Protocol.
    Email Integration
    62429Improved performance regarding loading of tickets that included a large number of custom columns.
    To enable this solution, please contact your customer success manager.
    Help Desk
    62727We’ve removed the “Enforce password complexity for local users” checkbox from the Account Defaults page.
    The checkbox was initially added for the transition phase for this feature. As of now, the password complexity is always enforced.
    62561The custom notifications form supports right-to-left languages.Help Desk
    63056The Dell integration and Barcode app pages have been removed from SysAid. Both have been previously decommissioned.Third-Party Integrations
    53431Templates are sorted by template class and alphabetically, in the template drop-down list in Linked Items. This makes it easier to locate the template you want.Help Desk
    53549Admins can export routing rules to PDF or Excel.Help Desk
    63796When setting permissions for a category from the category list, admins can decide if they want to either add groups in addition to the existing list of groups for the selected categories, or to add the groups in place of the existing groups (this also covers bug #56885).Help Desk
    62641SysAid’s Chat console displays internal IP addresses of the users on the chat instead of the public IP addresses in chat sessions initiated from assets with SysAid agents installed on them. This makes it easier for admins to remote into the users’ machines.Help Desk
    63820SysAid’s SO connector is no longer limited to only three tenants.Third-Party Integration
    64167Tasks only display 10 activities in the list. All the activities can be accessed by opening the task.Tasks and Projects
    58545When there are duplicate files in a ticket’s attachments, SysAid only displays the most recently attached version of the file.Help Desk
    64271Admins can rename local groups using a multi-step process involving duplicating and deleting the original group.
    Please see the online help for more information.
    User Management
    64307The ‘Assigned To’, ‘Request User’, and ‘Submit User’ fields can be added to the Scoreboard in the Self-Service Portal.Self-Service Portal
    64303The Export Scoreboard feature in the Self-Service Portal includes all fields displayed in the Scoreboard – not just the default fields.Self-Service Portal
    64577Ticket attachments now display a numerical indicator to show how many versions of the identical file were attached to the ticket.Help Desk
    65003Tightened security around uploading image files and the type of files that users can upload in SysAid. This covers CVE-2021-43972 and CVE-2021-43973Security
    64957Tightened security to prevent potential SQL Injections in SysAid’s old mobile portal. This covers CVE-2021-439711Security
    65018Added validation when end users self-registered for the Self-Service Portal. This covers CVE-2021-43974Security

    Bug Fixes

    Bug #DescriptionModule/Tool
    52785Fixed a bug that prevented SysAid from including custom ticket fields in the customized printout of the ticket form.Help Desk
    52484Fixed a bug that caused the Knowledge Base to stop displaying an article in its navigation tree, when the article’s category had been deleted.Help Desk
    53006Fixed a bug that prevented admins from changing the value of the Followup User field to ‘None’ in the ticket form after a user had already been selected.Help Desk
    57157Fixed a bug that produced a blank page when an admin changed a filter on the Request User field in the priority matrix.Help Desk
    57390Fixed a bug that prevented SysAid from adjusting the time of its scheduled tasks when the local time was changed due to daylight savings time.Help Desk
    60814Fixed a bug that displayed blank results on the Helpdesk Matrix page when admins tried to filter it by Status.Help Desk
    62963Fixed a bug that caused SysAid to display all of the fields in the customized printout, even though only some of them were selected.Help Desk
    62990Fixed a bug that generated an error when an admin’s ticket list was set to a view that was deleted by another admin.Help Desk
    63041Fixed a bug that caused escalation rules to run outside of operation hours.Help Desk
    63537Fixed a bug that prevented end users from seeing online admins available for chat when the account ID contained upper case letters.Help Desk
    59940Fixed a bug that prevented videos recorded using the agent hotkey from being automatically added to the corresponding ticket, when any of the SSO integrations were enabled.Help Desk
    63041Fixed a bug that caused escalation rules to run outside of operation hours.Help Desk
    58921Fixed a bug that prevented the ‘Assigned To’ field from appearing in the “Local Field” column in Action item dependencies when a relational list field was selected as the dependency source.Service Desk
    62881Fixed a bug that prevented admins from mapping relational list fields into local fields, in the Action Item attributes page.Service Desk
    52736Fixed a bug that allowed admins with insufficient permissions to search a template from the Quick Search bar.Service Desk
    63674Fixed a bug that caused the Export Template button to incorrectly appear on the ticket list when tickets were selected.Service Desk
    64098Fixed a bug that prevented the Scoreboard in the Self-Service Portal from displaying the correct number of tickets in the Supervisor view.Self-Service Portal
    64214Fixed a bug that allowed users to access, via direct links, the decommissioned End-User Portal.Self-Service Portal
    62436Fixed a bug that slowed the search functionality in the Self-Service Portal.Self-Service Portal
    63620Improved security around the Password Services module (this also covers Feature #63893).Password Services
    54113Fixed a bug that prevented admins from resetting passwords from the Windows login screen when Hebrew was set as the default language.Password Services
    52824Updated the online help: added troubleshooting information for when email notifications timestamps include incorrect time zones, which can occur in SysAid email integration with Office 365.Email Integration
    63798Fixed a bug that caused SysAid’s email integration to open duplicate tickets from the same email.Email Integration
    61848Fixed a bug that included CSS code in email responses routed from a SysAid ticket to an Microsoft Outlook inbox.Email Integration
    60321Fixed a bug sometimes that caused email loops when Email integration was configured to use the OAuth 2.0 protocol with Google.Email Integration
    64106Fixed a bug that prevented admins from creating a new email rule when the account contained many email rules and/or categories.Email Integration
    60867Fixed a bug that prevented SysAid Email Integration from including .MSG and .EML files as attachments in automatically generated tickets, when email integration was set to use O365 with the OAuth 2.0 protocol.Email Integration
    60643Fixed a bug that prevented SysAid from sending emails to contacts in the CC field, when email configuration was configured with Office 365 using the OAuth 2.0 protocol.Email Integration
    63061Fixed a bug that prevented admins from setting up email integration with an IMAP or POP inbox using the TLS 1.0/1.1 or TLS 1.2 encryption methods.Email Integration
    63250Fixed a bug that caused images trimmed from emails to be displayed as broken images when the ‘Trim signature attachments after this separator’ option was enabled in Email Integration.Email Integrations
    60482Fixed a bug that prevented email notifications from being displayed in the recipients language.Email Integrations
    62272Fixed a bug that caused exported lists of assets associated with a software product to contain incorrect information.Asset Management
    52905Fixed a bug that prevented the Asset List’s advanced filter from displaying any drop-down options for the Agent Settings field.Asset Management
    62512Fixed a bug that, under certain circumstances, prevented SysAid from displaying the correct number of assets that a software product is installed on (also covers bug # 63265).Asset Management
    56488Fixed a bug that prevented Ping Monitoring from working on network devices.Asset Management
    57477Fixed a bug that prevented the automatic re-assignment for that Asset Owner field from being performed in SysAid Basic edition.Asset Management
    60534Fixed a bug that prevented the value for the ‘Last Access Time’ column from displaying in the Asset list.Asset Management
    62841Fixed a bug that prevented SysAid from saving the custom field parameter mapping configurations in the Power BI Extract integration.Third-Party Integration
    62743Fixed a bug that prevented the Azure AD integration to import a large number of users.Third-Party Integration
    62625Fixed a bug in the Okta integration that caused fields from Okta to be incorrectly mapped in SysAid.Third-Party Integration
    63217Fixed a bug that prevented SysAid from importing users from Okta when Okta contained more than 200 users.Third-Party Integration
    62170Fixed a bug that prevented the Jira integration from functioning when one of the Jira fields in SysAid contained an apostrophe.Third-Party Integration
    63705Fixed a bug that, under certain circumstances, prevented SysAid from importing users from Azure.Third-Party Integration
    63174Fixed a bug that caused Slash commands in SysAid’s Slack integration to fail to run due to timeouts.Third-Party Integration
    55865Fixed a bug that prevented admins from adding attachments to the users who were imported via LDAP Integration.User Management
    58546Fixed a bug that prevented admins without SysAid Admin permissions from editing News that was configured for all user groups.User Management
    53449Fixed a bug that disabled the Delete buttons on the CI Sub Types page.CMDB
    53456Fixed a bug that prevented admins from adding or removing fields in a new CI template.CMDB
    62384Fixed a bug that displayed the Company velocity tag instead of the tag’s value in custom notifications when the ‘Use the default language for automatic notifications’ option was checked.Customization
    63198Fixed a bug that rendered some emoji survey answers unclickable if they had been previously deleted and then added back into the survey.Customization
    62365Fixed a bug that caused SysAid from sending blank custom notifications when the notifications were edited with the new editor and included certain non-English accent characters.Customization
    57679Fixed a bug that caused the ‘Activities by Administrator’ report to fail when it was run from the ‘My Reports’ page and filtered by an LDAP-imported admin.Analytics
    61196Fixed a bug that caused the Activities by Administrator report to only display the first six digits for ticket numbers in the PDF or XLS output.Analytics
    64161Fixed a bug that prevented admins from exporting sheets to PDF in BI Analytics.Analytics
    53461Fixed a bug that prevented a scheduled report from running when the admin who created the report was deleted.Analytics
    62455Fixed a bug that prevented admins from deploying the Mac agent on assets via Network Discovery.Agent
    62896Fixed a bug that caused failures in installing the SysAid agent via MSI, when the agent didn’t have access to the SysAid server.Agent
    63234Fixed a bug that prevented admins from accessing the network mapping for an RDS.Agent
    63538Fixed a bug that caused the SysAid agent to generate an error in the logs when the account ID contained uppercase lettersAgent